Chapter 1: Mirae Of The Present

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She turned back.

There were hoards of them climbing up to the terrace.

The living dead.

And they were coming right for her.

She looked up front. She was on the helicopter landing pad atop a fifty storey building,she was on the edge now.

There was no escape.

"This is how I meet my end."

The feeling of accepting death engulfed her. She turned around,waiting for the savages to  get her.

Except,another sound came in.

It was blaring,with incoming gusts of wind-the helicopter.

"Take my hands now!"

She turned around,and there he was,Park Sunghoon, with his hand reached out for her to take. But it was too far,and the helicopter didn't have time to land,or the zombies would get him too.

They burst through the locked door and were making a beeline for her.

She has to take the plunge now. She has to jump.

She took in a deep breath and took three steps back.

"This is not the end...this is only the beginning of my life..."

She makes a dash for it.

But your life,it is not yours. You don't decide how it changes.

And when the day comes,you have to go.

Her jump fell short, she let herself down,and she goes down.

Sunghoon's world comes crashing down as his eyes watch her body disappear in thin air.

She is gone.


"And cut!"

The cameras stop rolling and Park Sunghoon laughs,wiping the glycerine away from his eyes.

"That was a great shot! It seemed so realistic! Good job both of you!" The director praises the actor Park Sunghoon as he steps down the helicopter model carefully with a ladder.

"Are you okay my lady?" The director hurries over to main actress who is seated by the sidelines.

"Yeah that was stressful oh my god! You know I have a fear of heights! How could you make me stand up so high?" She complains.

"You just had to stand there,your stunt double actually had to jump from that tower."Sunghoon mumbles as he goes over to the stuntwoman who was carelessly untying the safety ropes which bound her.

"You did a great job. How were you so daring? You really jumped off like it was nothing!?" He smiles and tells her as she looks up.

" was no biggie,I have done so much more than that."she shrugs.

"Thank you so much for your hard work."He smiled.

She smiled back,something she rarely does.

But people who give respect deserve it too.

She came across very few who gave her career such respect. Actor Sunghoon being one of them.

"No wonder he has been a top actor in the industry,he deserves it." She thinks.


She headed home with the 300,000 won in her pocket.
The big budget films which paid a lot rarely came by. So, today,she could treat herself to something better.

She entered her tiny rundown apartment and placed the groceries on the table.

She loved fruits but could barely afford them. Hence, she spent a hefty sum to buy all the food she craved.

You can never predict what may happen at what time in her career.

But this is the life she chose for herself. She liked the risk,she loved the unpredictable nature.

Ironically,her name means 'Future'

But Jang Mirae lived in the present.


A/N-30 October 2021

A lot of you asked for a supernatural series,so here goes 😌✌️Do you like it so far 😃

And I assure you it is not a 'Damsel In Distress' Zombie AU. I am sure you understood that by now😌

You probably thought you skipped a few chapters due to the opening being climatic😅.

Just in case you were wondering,Sunghoon refers to the actor named Sunghoon in a cameo role. I just wanted to surprise you all with the film shooting revelation.

Ice Prince Sunghoon- is yet to come😌

Since,it's the first day of this book,do you want a double update? 😏

Please vote and get it to 10 please😃


Author V✌️

Apocalypto/ Park Sunghoon/ Enhypen Zombie AUWhere stories live. Discover now