'𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘺 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘐𝘴 𝘈 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦... 𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠

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Slight! Nobara x F!Reader





"Guys..." Spoke y/n, her eyes darting around the room looking for her friends, even though she knew they weren't there. She wanted to get out.

That lady wasn't supposed to be here, she herself wasn't supposed to be here. 

She knew entering the house was a bad idea but she didn't realise it would be this bad.



"Guys since it's halloween let's play T or D, halloween style!" Spoke Itadori, a smirk on his face as he waited for the enthusiasm from his best friends, none of them had spoken. 

Y/n and Nobara just shook their heads.

"Yuuji, we've played T or D so many goddamn times, I swear to god-" Nobara said, cutting herself off before she said something upsetting.

Itadori just frowned, as a bored look came onto his face, "What should we do then??" He asked, looking around for any suggestions.

As Itadori waited, nobody had answered yet again. An awkward silence filled the air as everybody waited for someone to speak.

Suddenly y/n got up, -stumbled a bit but regained balance-, and said with enthusiasm "Let's play T or D!!" 

Everybody nodded their heads, as Nobara gave them all a stink eye as a warning. Itadori whined saying how unfair it was that y/n got more enthusiasm. Fushiguro shut him up immediately before Nobara heard.


"... Y/n truth or dare?" Asked Gojo, his eyebrows raising up and going down repeatedly. Y/n giggled as she said "Dare!" 

[As of right now she knew that was the dumbest mistake ever-]

"I dare you to go to the haunted house up the street!!" He exclaimed, pumping his fist up in the air as he chuckled.

Y/n on the other hand sulked, slowly sinking into her chair as she sighed.

End of flashback...


And now here y/n was, scared for her life,-while her calm persona was still up-, as she went deeper and deeper into the haunted that seemed to never have ended. 

The floors creaked and groaned, while the corners of the walls were decorated with spider webs, the ceiling filled with dark green moss as the curtains, which were extremely torn-, flew open in the wind.

Y/n was suspicious, something wasn't right, she didn't know whether that was her sixth sense talking or whether it was her imagination.

She then turned around to see the main door just for safety measures.

It had vanished.

Now y/n's somewhat calm on the outside persona had vanished completely, "Uh- what the fuck." She said to herself, it's not like anybody else was there, right...?


She had wandered around the house, finally getting used to the dark, and moss. 

Not the smell though that was disgusting, it smelled like rotten eggs to her.

She had arrived at a hallway and saw a miniature door in the wall, and as she peeked through it with caution she saw a humongous tunnel that led to god knows where, the tunnel was surprisingly a royal blue!

'It looks like the inside of a worm! ' Y/n chuckled, as her four year old imagination came out of nowhere.

She had debated for a while, whether to enter or not. As she sat crisscross apple sauce, she had come to a decision.

She was going through the hole.

[A.N. - Every main character in a hollywood horror movie ever, be like-]


When she had exited the other side of the hole, y/n gasped.

She had never seen a place so colourful and so... Bright...

Her eyes strained for a while as she waited for her eyes to adjust to the light. A dark and damp house to a colourful bright house is a big change.-

After she had gotten adjusted to the light, she had finally realised where she was...

Her old home.


Wandering around yet again, y/n was in search of something, or maybe someone... 

She looked left and right and thought it to be unbelievable!

It was simply impossible to see her home so bright and joyous, the last time that happened was when she was born... If you know what I mean.

She had gasped again as tears formed in her eyes because when she had stumbled into the kitchen she had found her mother, her back faced towards y/n.

The last time she saw her mother was a few years ago before she died in a battle against a special grade... So, how was she here and still in one piece?

"M- mom...?" Y/n asked carefully, this could all be a trap after all. Y/n's mother hummed in acknowledgement. "Yes, dear?" She asked, slowly turning her head as y/n widened her eyes.

Her mother's eyes...

Were made of buttons.


End :>

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Thank you!!!

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