We continue making small talk until we get to the studio where we go our separate way's after planning on walking back together. I don't know what Aurora was talking about, Malala hasn't gave one sign that she likes me and I actually see her and I becoming good friends.

Aurora's POV

"Is Mamá back alweady?" Ari asks as I'm walking to the door.

"I don't think so Mamá has a key. It's probably grandma." She still stands up with excited wide eyes and runs to the door before I can get there.

I open the door to reveal my mom and Ari smiles up at her. "Hey gwanma."

"Hey dear." Mom picks her up and gives her kisses, I'm glad she still loves her.

Mom chuckles as she comes over still carrying Ari. "Explains why she looks like Kya, I feel silly for saying it's not possible."

"You didn't know, it's fine."

She smiles and sits beside, Ari now on her lap. She looks off In thought before looking to me. "I can't believe I didn't figure it out, I've always payed attention to you. I though it was odd how you and Kya would take a lot of showers together with music playing." She gasps and her hands go over my baby's ears as she leans towards me. "Aurora you two had sex in the house." She whispers with shock and a little anger.

I chuckle, my face probably turning red. "Yes, more than you know." There's no reason to lie now.

She puts a scold on me as her hands leave Ari's ears. The action goes unnoticed by her though. "I can't with you. No, wonder you got pregnant."

I shake my head in amusement but she has a point, me and Kya had a lot of sex back then. It was something new to us.

She sighs with a smile as she looks down at Ari. "I can say you chose a pretty one and you both made a perfect child."

"Pretty doesn't do her justice." I smile thinking about Kya.

"You really do love her don't you?" She smiles.

"Yes so much." Everything about her. Especially the way she still only blushes from compliments. She's a model which a big compliment in itself so you'd think she'd be used to it.

"I can tell you're eyes twinkle when you talk about her. That's all that matters to me, that she makes you happy."

"She stayed with me even though I kept her a secret. You should watch her interview."

She nods. "I did and that girl has had a hard life. I know you two stopped seeing each other since we moved to New York. But why did you break up?"

"She broke up with me because I wouldn't tell you and dad- or Michael about us. I don't even know what to call him." He was never a dad anyway, I know why Elena has always been his favorite now.

"You can call him whatever you want. So Kya didn't know about Ari?"

"No. I didn't tell her because I was scared, she missed three years of Ari's life." I look at Ari on her lap who's attention is on the TV.

I then look to mom. "Who is he, my dad? Do I know him?" I ask wanting to know.

"Yes." She hesitates and glances away briefly. "He's your Uncle Rye."

I freeze. Uncle Rye is her and dad's brother in law because he's married to my Aunt Sofia which is Dad's sister. He's also Layla's dad. Holy shit Layla is my half sister.

Uncle Rye has always been nice. His wife not so much. My Aunt Sophia Is like dad, a bigot. All of my dad's siblings are, they were raised like that.

"Does he know, about me?" I ask instead of how or when, I don't care for the details to be honest.

"No. You can talk to him. Ryan is a good man but I don't think he'd tell his family about it, Sofia is a lot worse than Michael and she'd most likely divorce him." I wonder if Layla would be mad him though, she doesn't even like her mom.

"It's fine I won't tell him, I don't even know how to. He's in Connecticut and that would surely make for an odd phone conversation." I don't really feel a need to tell him but maybe I will.

"I'm sure it would." She gives a small smile but the. It turns into a frown. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, honey." She reaches for my hand.

I pat hers with my other hand. "It's ok. I understand." I can't be mad at her because I did the same thing with Kya and Ari.

We hear the door opening and both of us look to see Kya walk in.

Ari slides off mom's lap and runs to Kya. "Mamà!" She hugs Kya's legs.

"Hey mija." Kya picks her up.

"That baby loves her and I can tell she loves Ari just as much." Mom whispers with a smile as we watch Kya plant a kiss on Ari's face.

I'm surprised Ari became attached to her so easily but I'm not at the same time because she's Kya.

I quickly got attached to Kya in high school, I always wanted to be around her, I already didn't like school so if she didn't show up my entire day was ruined and I'd mope around waiting for school to end so I could go to the home she stayed in to see her.

"Yeah." I smile and scoot over next to my mom so Kya can sit.

"Hey." Kya says to mom with a smile.

Mom returns smile with a nod of her head. "Kya."

Kya sits next to me and kisses my cheek In greeting. "How was work?" I ask.

She shrugs with a smile to match mine. "Nothing eventful really happened. I was just waiting to get home to you and Ari."

I smile with a light flutter in my chest and lean over to kiss her on the mouth. Of course she happily reciprocates the kiss. The sound of Mom clearing her throat grabs our attention. I forgot she was here.

"I guess I should probably get going now that you know everything. I love you." She begins to stand.

I frown. "You can stay and have dinner with us if you want."

She smiles happy with the invite. "I don't see why not, it's not like Michael is missing me right now."


"So who's your real dad?" Kya asks likes she's been holding it in as soon as I come back to the couch to sit beside her.

Ari's on the floor with her tablet.

I chuckle. "My Uncle Rye."

Her eyes widen. "Isn't that Layla's dad?"

I sigh and nod.

Her eyes widen. "Shit, are you ok?" She grabs my hand.

"Yes I'm fine, it's just weird, thinking he was my uncle."

"I bet. Are you gonna tell him?"

I shrug. "I don't know, who's to say he'd care?"

"Your uncle Rye is nice I'm sure he'd care, love."


"So that means you and Layla are siblings?" She asks with a little smirk.

I nod.

She smiles. "That's a plus."

I giggle.

We're getting closer to the End😢 I'm considering making a book on Ari. Maybe a series?🧐 What do you think?

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