Chapter 9

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October 27, 2012

Metrohealth Center

Riley's POV

It had been two days since I had woke up in the health center. As I was doing so well, they were considering letting me go earlier than a week if I passed these last couple scans. I had one more now, just the one for my chest cavity, I went in the machine and they focused on that. When they were done, I went back to my hospital room and sat down on the bed, all the machines remained unplugged ever since I unplugged them by accident. Someone knocked on my door. "Come in," I answered. 

It was my doctor who was always ticked off at me. "Well, Riley, I don't really know how to say this...."

"Just say whatever it is, I can handle it."

  "Well, let's put it this way, we found a growth on your heart. We don't know if it's malignant or not so you'll have to come in for checks every two weeks." Let's just say this, I was shocked. 


October 27, 2012

John's POV

Sigh. I have no idea what to do about Riley. She was in a motorcycle accident. And I love her. And I kissed her. Twice. But that was stupid. Spontaneous. She said she just wanted to be friends for now. What do I do? My eyes shut and I fell asleep.


October 28, 2012

Jess's POV

'so they just found out about it?'  I replied.

  'yeah, it's kinda scary but also not, they said it's growing slowly'

'interesting, it's actually kinda lucky you got in that crash now'

    "Hey, Jess, can I talk to you for a minute?" I looked up, it was John.

"Yeah, hang on a sec," I turned back to my phone, 'brb gotta talk to someone'. "Ok, so what's up?" I asked my section leader.

    "So, knowing you're one of Riley's best friends, she'd tell you everything, right?"

"Yeah, just about, we all have our secrets though, why?"

    "Well, first off, why hasn't she come back yet? It can't possibly take more than a couple hours to get released after a car crash. Plus, well, I don't know, I'm confused about this."

"Ok, well first off, I know why she hasn't been released yet but I can't tell you because I don't know if she wants anyone else to know. And to your confusion, you love her don't you?" I smiled knowingly. He sighed.

    "Yeah, I guess I do considering I can't get her out of my head. Do you know when she's coming back?"

"No, but here's my advice; just kiss the girl and tell her what she means to you. You did it wrong the last two times. The first time you kissed her, ran off, and didn't talk to her for a month. The next time, you just kissed her randomly after not talking for a month which made her think that you were using her. This time, kiss her and then explain how you feel about her and try to plan something to take her out somewhere, ok?"

    "Ok," he smiled, "don't tell her though, ok?"

"Ok," I promised.


AN: Sorry for not updating in so long to all of you who are reading this, I got distracted by school and band and another story of mine (Life and Lies) and a bunch of other crap, my point is, I am finally updating AYC!!!!! YAY!!!! haha, what do you guys think? shocking?!?!?! exciting?!?!? R&R please!!!! <3 Kaitlyn

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