(20) Birth and Death

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"Whatcha want?" Sirius asked.

"Turkey sandwich!" Andy said. They got their food and sat down at a table far from where any other people were. While eating Andy knocked over her water and ran to get some serviettes.

As she grabbed the serviettes the woman that had followed them to the cafeteria stood next to her.

"Excuse me," Andy turned to look at who had spoken. The woman was tall and had long bushy black hair and dark brown eyes. She had a cheesy smile, but being the sweet person she is, Andy didn't notice the woman's façade.

"Yes?" Andy asked politely, with her adorable smile.

"Who is that man you are with?" She asked, trying to sound kind.

"Oh, that's my Pa," Andy said, still smiling.

"And then who was that other man you were with before?"

Andy's smile faltered a little bit before answering, remembering that she's not supposed to tell people Remus and Sirius were together. "H-he's my Dad's friend."

"Is that so?" She asked glaring at the young girl. "Because before I heard you call him your father as well."

Andy nervously looked in the direction of where Sirius was but she couldn't see him because there was a wall blocking her view.

"Did those two poofs kidnap you?" She asked with a smirk.

"N-no... I want to go back to my Dad," Andy said, her eyes filling with tears.

"Well I'm just trying to help you from those disgusting perverts," the woman said, not letting Andy pass.

"They're not disgusting," Andy defended.

"Oh but they are. And they are spreading their perversion to a little girl's mind. Come with me and I will help you."

"N-no! I wanna go back to my Papa!" Andy cried, pushing past the woman and running back to Sirius.

"Andy! What's wrong, love?" Sirius asked worriedly as Andy jumped into his arms.

"There- there was this mean lady that said you were bad for being my dad!"

"What? Where? Sirius asked, looking around for anyone.

"Over there," Andy pointed in the direction of a woman staring at Sirius with a crazy smirk and he immediately recognized her.

"Bella! I'm not a part of your stupid family anymore so stay away from mine!"

Bellatrix started walking toward them and Sirius hid Andy behind him to protect her.

"I don't want anything to do with your family. As much as I don't care about you, Cissy told me I had to tell you something."

"That doesn't mean you have to scare my daughter!" Sirius spat.

"That was just a lovely little bonus. Cissy wanted me to tell you this, your lovely little brother died," she smirked before disapparating.

Sirius processed what she said for a moment and stood staring off at the wall having no idea what to do about Regulus dying.

"Pa? Papa? You have- had a brother? I'm so sorry! Pa? Are you okay? Can you hear me?" Andy asked worriedly when Sirius didn't look at her.

He pretended like he didn't hear anything Bellatrix just said and just told Andy to go back to the others in the waiting room. She looked at him confused but eventually left.

Sirius sat down and rested his head in his hands and started to cry. He sat there crying and thinking about his baby brother who he will never get to see again. He felt responsible for his death because he never went back to save Regulus like he promised.

After a few minutes his sobs turned into sniffles and he wiped his eyes and nose before standing up. He took another moment to collect himself before starting to walk back to the waiting room.

When he got back he saw Andy curled up and asleep on Mary's lap. She looked so calm and cute when she was sleeping and he just admired her for a moment.

Mary looked like she was about to fall asleep too so Sirius picked Andy up and sat in the chair next to Remus and let Andy continue to sleep on his lap as he played with her hair.

Once everyone fell asleep they were quickly woken up by James yelling.

"WE HAVE A BOY!" They all jumped awake, not yet processing what he said.

"Why'd you wake me up?" Sirius whined, rubbing his eyes.

"I WANNA MEET HIM!" Andy yelled running after James.

James brought Andy to Lily's room where she was asleep after the amount of work and pain she just had to go through.

"Where is he?" Andy asked quietly.

One of the healers brought over a little baby wrapped tightly in a blanket. James took him from the healer and Andy stood on her tippy toes to look at the adorable bundle.

Her heart melted at the sight of the precious little thing. She started thinking about so many things she could do with him. All the fun adventures she could take him on and all the things she would teach him.

"This is Harry James Potter," James whispered, moving the blanket back slightly so they could see his face better.

"I can't believe how cute he is," Andy whispered in disbelief.

"Do you want to hold him?" James asked and she nodded vigorously. "Alright sit down on the chair." Andy did everything he said exactly right and he carefully placed Harry in her arms.

She stared down at him, filled with nothing but love as she watched him yawn and he looked up at her and she could swear she saw him smile at her.

Soon after the others all came in and unfortunately woke up Lily but she didn't mind, she was too happy that she had a baby boy.

"He is going to be the most spoiled kid on the planet," Mary said, making everyone laugh.

"He'll be in Gryffindor just like all of us," Sirius said proudly.

"He will but Andy's gonna be a Ravenclaw, I know," Remus said confidently.

"Nah, she's gonna be a Gryfindorr," Sirius said, glaring playfully at Remus.

"No, no, no, you're both wrong!" Lily butted in. "Andy's going to be a Hufflepuff."

"Yup, I agree with Lils," James said, not looking away from Harry.

"I'm with Remus, she's very bright, she'll be a Ravenclaw," Mary said.

"What if she's a Slytherin?" Peter asked. They all looked at him like he was crazy and started to laugh. "Just joking," Peter said, trying to smile slightly.

"10 Galleons," Sirius said with a smirk.

"Deal," they all agreed, making Andy laugh.

They all spent the rest of the day at the hospital fawning over Harry until they realized it was almost morning and they should get Andy to bed.

When they got home and there was no more baby to keep Sirius's mind from wandering he started thinking about Regulus and about the few wonderful times he had with him. All the times he helped him, and the time he didn't.

Once he put Andy to bed and laid down next to Remus he broke down crying into Remus's chest who had no clue what was wrong. Sirius explained everything and Remus immediately understood and tried his best to make Sirius feel better.

Eventually Sirius was able to fall asleep with Remus running his hands through Sirius's hair.


Hello all you wonderful people,

Thank you so much for 20.4k reads! I actually can't believe it!

If you are someone who doesn't read the date at the beginning of the chapters you should do that because there's about to be a lot of time skips so just be aware.

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