Chapter VIII - The Balahoo Blitz

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The Fat Controller sat in his office. He was writing a letter to his mother in England. The letter said:

November 1944

Dear Mother,
I hope all is well with you. This war seems to be putting up a great fight. It's amazing how long this war has lasted. My engines are working their wheels off to support the island, but this war poses such a threat that our Edward has had a great deal of stress. Did I tell you about his near miss with a biplane a few years ago? Such a brave engine, I'm so thankful they're safe... for now. I wish all the best for your safety. I'll try to visit soon.

Much love,

He sighed, addressing the envelope. "My railway is my family.. I don't know where I'd be, or who I'd be without them." he thought to himself solemnly. The Fat Controller took the envelope and left his office. He was surprised to find the station empty, bar his assistants listening to the radio. There was only one train scheduled for the evening, and it wasn't scheduled to depart yet, but in the back of his head, The Fat Controller felt a sense of dread. "What's all this then?" he asked the group. "Listen." said one of the men, "The Queen is making an announcement."

The Fat Controller listened.

"This is an announcement, but also a warning to the people of Sodor. We have received word that our enemy will attack the Island of Sodor. All residents and those nearby should take the necessary measures and properly find safety. God save us all." The Queen said, her voice sounded crusty from the frequency.

At the same time, the entire island listened to the speech. It wasn't long before the cold weather became chillier, and a mist rolled in from the sea, making it hard to see. The engines were scattered across the island, Edward and James at Tidmouth, Percy at Arlesburgh with the Wellsworth and Suddery Engines, Henry at Vicarstown, and Thomas, Bridget, and Gordon at Knapford. This was done intentionally and unintentionally, as the engines were ordered to stay where they were. Knapford, being one of the bigger stations on the main line, was perfect for sheltering a Pacific and two tank engines underneath its large canopies. People turned out their lights, blew out candles, and huddled together in their homes as the air raid sirens sounded.

The radio gave updates for as long as possible before they simply stopped, leaving behind an eerie static crackling. Thomas looked around the yard, the armoured military wagons and vans sat nearby, covered by tarpaulins. The little engine wondered if they would ever see use. "Now would be a good time to put those armoured trains to good use, wouldn't it?" Thomas asked, trying to make conversation with the other engines next to him. Bridget scoffed, and Gordon simply ignored him. He wasn't doing so on purpose. He seemed to be concentrating on something.

"I see. No point in talking then because -"

"Quiet!!!" Gordon hissed. "I hear something, it sounds like an explosion in the distance. It must be on the other side of the island."

Thomas and Bridget listened closely, and heard it too. Mr. Watson came running out of the Knapford office with a decorated man. "You three! I just got a telegram from Vicarstown saying that the Nazis are attacking Balahoo. Defense is holding up, but we need more help! Take the armoured trains and follow the mainline!" Mr. Watson said loudly. The decorated man revealed himself to be a general of the Royal Air Force of Sodor. He hopped in Gordons cab. Thomas and Bridget took the wagons and smaller guns, while Gordon carried the biggest rail gun in front. They travelled as fast as they could to the other end of the island, keeping an eye out for danger.

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