I'm sorry for coming so late (part 1) : A seokro oneshot

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This takes place around ep 10 after Suryeon calls Rona at Logan's villa and tells her that Oh Yoon Hee's real murderer is Cheon Seo Jin.

Note : In this version, Joo Dan Tae and Seojin are aware that logan and suryeon are alive at this point of time.

Rona and Suryeon sat on the couch in Logan's villa. Suryeon handed Rona a glass of water after she had finally stopped crying. "Are you feeling better now?" Rona looked at Suryeon with red, puffy eyes and nodded. Taking the glass, she slowly sipped the water. Wiping the tears on her cheeks, she set the glass down on the table and stood up. "I should leave now, ajhumma." Suryeon looked at her with concern. Placing her hands on Rona's shoulder she softly smiled at the young girl. "If you want, you can stay the night over here. Ajhumma will spend the entire night with you if that will make you feel any better." Casting a fake smile, Rona shook her head. "It's okay, ajhumma. It seems you already have many things to worry about. I don't want to add on to the burden." Taking Suryeon's hands off her shoulder, she softly squeezed them. "Plus, I think I need some fresh air. I'll go now. I'll see you again soon, ajhumma." Smiling one last time at Suryeon, Rona turned her back and walked out of the Villa, her face darkening the moment she turned away.

With heavy steps, she quietly walked out and noticed Seokhoon who was sitting on the bench. Beside him, sat Logan. The two men seemed to be having an important conversation. She gazed over at Logan and smiled, her eyes growing watery again. Suryeon had told her about how Cheon Seojin had kept Logan alive all this time just to get money from his family and how Dr. Ha had saved him from Seojin. It was a relief seeing him alive and breathing. His death had really taken a toll on her since he had always made sure to check up her during the time he had gone to the US after all the adults were sentenced to prison.

Her gaze then shifted to Seokhoon. He seemed angry. He was probably still very guilty regarding Dan tae's involvement in Yoon hee's death. She didn't hate him even a bit but it was clear with the way he looked at her earlier that even looking at her was already very painful for him. She wanted to be with him so they could get through this together but it was better for them to be apart right now. She didn't want to cause him any more pain by being clingy.

Taking a deep breath, she walked up to the two men. "Oh, Rona-ya. It's nice to finally see you." Logan smiled noticing her presence as he walked up to her and hugged her. Seokhoon stood up but stayed rooted in his spot. He studied her face and it was clear she was still not feeling any better. Rona smiled at Logan. "Ajhussi, I'm so glad you are okay. I was really sad when I thought you left us forever." Placing his hand on Rona's head, Logan lightly stroked her hair and smiled. "Ajhussi promised to always protect you, didn't I? How can I die and leave you alone?" Looking over at Seokhoon, Logan continued. "Joo Seokhoon, take Rona back safely. It's really late." Rona grabbed Logan's arm at that point and shook her head.


Seokhoon looked up, pain clearly showing in his eyes.

Avoiding his gaze, Rona looked at Logan. "Can Hong Ajhussi drop me home instead? I want to be alone right now. Plus, Seokhoon already told me he wanted us to go back to being strangers. I don't want to cause trouble to a mere stranger." Seokhoon clenched his fists and stared at the ground. Now that he was hearing those words from Rona herself, it hurt even more. He hadn't seen her for weeks. He, more than anyone else, wanted any excuse to be able to stay with her even for a little while longer. He didn't know his decision to push her away would end up affecting him this badly.

Logan studying the tension in the atmosphere, cleared his throat and called Secretary Hong over.

"Take her to Hera Palace. Drive safely."

Secretary Hong bowed and turned to Rona. "This way, miss Rona." He walked ahead, leading her to the car parked in front of the gates. Rona smiled at Logan and quietly followed Secretary Hong. As she walked past Seokhoon, she quickly glanced over at him. His fists were clenched and there was a pained expression on his face. He looked up.

Penthouse fanfic : Oneshots Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ