Seokrona: My Comfort

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Seokrona AU- my comfort(oneshot)

This au takes place a few weeks after the breakup. It's how I wish they reconcile and honestly I hope they are not apart for too long because they are the only thing keeping me sane after yoon hee died. Let us begin.

Rona sat alone in the practice room of the cheong a arts centre. That's right. With the help of Clark Lee, she had finally been able to get selected as a musical resident despite Cheon Seo Jin's failed attempts at disqualifying her. She stared at the music sheets in front of her. 'What now?" She obviously had a long way to go as a classical singer but she had finally cleared the accusations of being the talentless daughter of the admissions murderer. This was what she could do on her own. She had no clue how she was going to clear her mother's name. Eun byeol was her only option but clearly she had turned her back on Rona after getting accepted into SNU. Rona sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. It was hard staying strong all the time and having no one to return to at home. What was she even living for at this point?

The moment of weakness lasted just for a minute as she quickly collected her thoughts and walked out of the practice room. She was going to convince Eun byeol to help her. She had to make Eun byeol remember. She was not going to give up so easily. She walked up to Eun byeol's private practice room and was about to enter when she heard Eun byeol crying. "How am I supposed to live with this memory? How could you do that?" Her voice was shaking. Confused, Rona placed her ears on the door to listen more clearly. "Eunbyeol-ah, why are you acting like this all of a sudden? I thought you overcame this already? You have been doing so well..." Cheon Seo jin spoke in a quiet tone.

Rona was confused. What were they talking about? It seemed like an important conversation so she decided to record it on her phone just in case she could use it in the future. "Oh yoon hee can I live knowing that you killed her?" Rona froze. Her body was still and her hands grew cold. Her lips began trembling. There was no way what she heard was true. Her mom had died saving eun byeol. Why would Seo jin kill her? "It was for you. It was necessary. Think about me, eunbyeol-ah...she has made my life so hard ever since we crossed that she is gone, look how nice and happy our life has gotten." Seo jin said in a shaky voice trying to convince her daughter who was slowly losing her sanity.

Rona clamped her hands on her mouth tightly, tears slipping down her face. She had suspected Joo dan tae had something to do with her mother's death since seokhoon had abruptly broken up with her but she had never imagined that Seo jin, whose daughter her mother saved had been the one to kill her mother. She stopped the recording, unable to listen to it anymore and rushed out of the Cheon A arts centre. Her vision was blurry as she ran and catched a cab. "H-hera palace.." She managed to say as she sat down, still shivering from the shock. Flashbacks of that day came to her head. She realized that if only she had not brought Eun byeol home, her mother would have still been with her. She had caused her mother's death. She should have known better. She should've known that Eun byeol and Seo jin would never change. She should've known...


Seokhoon sat with Suryeon in the penthouse as he laid out all of Joo Dan Tae's plans. "I can't believe father is still pushing ahead with the Joo Dan Tae village project despite the huge loss he and the company just suffered. Why is he so obsessed with your plot in cheonsoo district anyway, mom?" Suryeon sighed, frowning. "Even I have no idea, seokhoon-ah. We will have to wait a bit longer. We just need to destroy him when he thinks he is at his highest point." Seokhoon nodded. He was going to destroy his father this time. Joo dan tae has caused so much pain to him and his loved ones. He would no longer sit back and let his devil of a father ruin any more lives.

Penthouse fanfic : Oneshots Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat