What I deserve:- A seokro oneshot

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*Takes place after ep 12. Just like my previous au, Logan saves suryeon and all the hera palace people are living in a hotel owned by logan*

Rona is alone in her large room while looking for the the first aid kit that was supposed to be somewhere in the room. While helping people get out of hera palace she had slipped and scraped her knees real bad. She winced in pain as she struggled to walk properly and look for the first aid kit.

Just then, the doorbell rang. She looked up in confusion before sneaking a quick glance at her phone to check the time. "It's 2 am...who could it be? At this time?" She sighed and dragged her feet towards the door. She unlatched the door and pulled the heavy metal door open to face a very familiar face. "Joo...seokhoon?" She muttered as the man stood in front of her in a white hoodie and black sweatpants. His hair messy and wet which meant he had just taken a shower. "Hey...uh...can we talk?" He said softly while scratching the back of his head and avoiding eye contact.

Rona bit her lip, the blood rushing to her face as she tightened her grip on the door handle. Composing herself, she cleared her throat. "Um sure...come in" She said softly as he left the door open for him and staggered inside. Seokhoon quietly followed. "Do you want to have something to drink? I think I ah-" she winced again in pain from the gash on her knees. Seokhoon quickly rushed beside her and looked at her with worried eyes. "Are you okay? What happened? You're hurt...when did this..." He trailed off as he quickly walked around and room, opened a cabinet located outside the bathroom and brought out the first aid kit. He offered her his arm and helped her sit on the bed as he sat beside her began to apply oinment on her wound. "Why do you keep getting hurt? Your scar from the fall at the community room just healed" He scolded her with a soft voice. Rona whimpered as the stinging pain from the ointment didn't allow her to say anything. Instinctively, she grabbed on to the hand he wasn't using and squeezed it to bear the pain. Seokhoon looked up clearly flustered but then saw her pained expression and quietly wrapped his fingers around hers. "Squeeze my hand if it hurts a lot..." He muttered as he finished by applying bandages on the gashes on her knees.

"You're so annoying" Rona blurted out as she stared at the guy in front of her affectionately care to her wounds. Her eyes were growing red and she could feel the tears forming. He made it so hard to hate him. He was the one who said he chose himself over her. He said that he cared about his life more than anyone else's. Why then, was he sitting beside her on her bed and taking care of her with his warms hands holding hers?

Seokhoon looked up, unable to say a word. Rona quietly sniffed and lifted his hands that still tightly holding onto hers and placed it between both her hands, softly rubbing circles on it while she smiled. "We can just...be like this. Now that Joo Dan Tae ajhussi...has passed away...can't you come back to me?" She continued to play with his hand, unable to meet his eyes because she was afraid she would see the same sad and regretful ones she had seen on the day they had broken up. Seok hoon stared at their hands, he didn't want to let go. Her soft, warm touch was already healing so many wounds the last few weeks had inflicted on him. The atmosphere around them, the safety and comfort he was feeling - he didn't want to walk away from it one bit. "Do I...deserve it?" His voice was soft and she could hear the slight tremble in it. Her grasp on her tightened. He was scared. She knew it. He wanted to be with her but he was afraid he would hurt her again. "No one other than you deserves to hold my hand." She said pulling him towards her and tightly wrapping her arms around his neck.

A single tear slipped down his cheeks as he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her waist, tightening the hug. He buried his face in her hair and cried quietly while Rona stroked his hair, tears falling down her face as well. "I'm sorry for leaving you...I'm sorry for...everything...I'm just sorry..." He said after hugging her for a long time. Rona pulled back and cupped his wet face in her small hands and pulled his face close to hers. She looked into his eyes and flashed the prettiest smile he had ever seen. "I'm just happy you're here now. That's all that matters." She whispered before softly pressing her lips on his. Her lips tasted salty because if the tears she had shed but they were soft and supple. A strange warmth filled his chest as he tightened his hold on her waits and pulled her body closer to his, closed his eyes and kissed her back, sliding his tongue inside her mouth. The blood rushed to their faces as they went deeper and faster, finally bringing out all the emotions, pain and longing that they had held back for so long. They broke off the kiss to get some air and were panting quietly while looking at each other with so much desire. Seokhoon gently caressed her cheeks, sliding his hair through her open locks of air and leaned in again but this time, the kiss wasn't hard. It was deep and slow. Rona's hands traveled to his chest as she slightly tugged on his hoodie and found herself melting in his arms. She didn't want this to end. Feeling his warm body against hers, his soft hands caressing her with so much love and adoration and his beautiful eyes that finally sparkled as they looked into hers. She smiled as rested her head on his shoulders after breaking off their kiss gasping for some air. He wrapped his arms around her small body and tightly held her. "Can you not go back, tonight?" Seokhoon's eyes widened at her sudden words. "Huh...wh-...what" He stuttered, unable to form complete sentences. "Dummy, I'm not suggesting we do anything more. I just want...to be with you tonight..I just want you to hold me tonight." She muttered as she found herself becoming more and make drowsy- exhausted from what had happened earlier in the day. "Alright" came his reply as he helped her lay down on the bed, gently resting her head on the pillows. He crawled over to the space beside her and pulled the covers over them. "Come here" He breathed, spreading his arms open. Rona couldn't help but smile as she shifted her body closer to his, placing her head against his chest. He tightly wrapped his arms around her and slowly stroked her hair with his left hand. "You don't know how relieved I am...to be able to stay like this with you." He said resting his chin on her head. "Then, keep your promise and never let me go again. Come with me to New York. Weren't you accepted in Julliards as well?" She said slowly looking up. "I...don't know...what about mom and seokkyung?" He asked with a troubled expression on his face. "Seokhoon-ah, it's time you chose yourself now. They can take care of themselves. You know that, don't you?" Rona's words made sense. In fact it was something Seokhoon and known for a long time. He knew at some point, he had to live his own life. "Okay" He didn't want to regret anything anymore. "Let's stay together, forever." He smiled as he tightly hugged her and closed his eyes, drifting off to the deepest slumbers he had had in the past few weeks. In her arms, he was finally safe and happy.

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