{7} Roomate

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seven: harry and you have lived together for a while, now secrets reveal themselves.


Living with Harry is simple. We know our boundaries which consists of not going through each other's things, communicating when we'll be out or have someone over and we just get a long really well. I hadn't know him before we became roommates, he'd put up a poster that he was looking for someone to take up his spare room and I took up that opportunity. And while we've never been anything more that roommates who became close friends in the process, I have to admit I've always been attracted to Harry because he's absolutely gorgeous.

But it's not even his looks, as incredible as they are. He's funny, intelligent, and overwhelmingly talented. Many times I've overheard him singing in the shower or strumming his guitar with his bedroom door slightly ajar, the melody travelling across the corridor to my room where I'd pretend not to care but really I'd never want him to shut up.

Tonight I had been excited to go out and hopefully forget about my growing admiration for Harry. I was meeting a guy who I'd spoken to regularly and believed to be someone I could possibly get together with, but then it all went tits up. Firstly, I hadn't prepared for a casual date and therefore showed up far too overdressed. Then the guy proceeded to joke about it while we sat in a fast food restaurant, which only sold fried chicken and I'm vegan. He just told me to eat the fries and not be picky. Thinking it couldn't get worse, I was proved wrong when the guy kept sliding his hand up my thigh during the movie I paid for us to watch while surrounded by many other people.

I'd ended the night being brutally honest with the man, stating that I wouldn't be going home with him nor would he be hearing from me after tonight. Of course I thanked him for his company but really I would've rather been alone.

Therefore, when I got home earlier than I'd expected to be back and unlocked the door to the house I was surprised by the silence. All the lights were turned off and there was no music as I'd assumed there would because Harry had said he'd invited friends over. Maybe I'd missed them or they were coming later?

I shrug to myself and place my keys on the table next to the front door, kicking my shoes off and hanging my coat on my hanger. Then I walk through the corridor to the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of water and plopping a few ice cubes in to cool the liquid. I pop my head into the living room but as I expected, it's empty of anyone. So I continue down the hall to the stairs, beginning to climb them when I finally hear movement. Harry must be in his room because the wall next to the stairs is shared with it, so as I walk by I can't help but overhear the muffled sounds coming from the other side.

I furrow my eyebrows and pause briefly, waiting to hear what's going on before I feel my cheeks turn pink in realisation. When Harry said he was having a "friends" over he must've meant to hook up with them because the noise coming from his room is a mixture of guttural moans and groaning. I widen my eyes and force myself to continue up the stairs until I reach the top, now stood right next to his bedroom door which I suddenly realise has been left ajar.

I stop at the top of the stairs and inhale a quick breath. Part of me does want to peer in and sneak a glance at the lucky girl, but a more significant part of me respects Harry's privacy too much and that's why I put my head down and tiptoe towards my bedroom door. Just as I put my hand around the door knob, I hear something that makes me freeze and stand up straight.

A loud moan echoing through the otherwise silent halls, Harry groaning my name followed by words of encouragement. My grip on the handle tightens as his words continue on, echoing around the hall and then around my head. I can't help but look over my shoulder towards Harry's door, to which I can see his reflection in the mirror of his wardrobe.

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