{6} Popstar || pt I

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six: harry spots you in a bar and invites you to his next show... with a backstage pass


Tonight I wanted to get laid.

I'd dressed up properly with a gorgeous green corset that properly enlarged my breasts. One jump and I'd end up with a black eye.

The music in this bar basement thump and hot sweaty bodies crowded me. In the corner, I can see my friend Chloe necking on with some random guy pinning her against the wall. I chuckle to myself at the sight and go back to feeling the music.

I've just gotten out of a serious relationship that lacked any real heat for the past 6 months. The honeymoon face was incredible, we went away and had sex at least three times a day. But then reality struck and my partner went back to working full time and was too tired to even get hard at the end of the day.

My final straw was when he came home to me dressed in the most incredible lace lingerie and he didn't even double take before walking to the bedroom and falling asleep.

I get it, okay? Work is important. He provided for me the entire relationship but I couldn't deal with another day without sex. So tonight I went straight to Chloe's after ending it, dressed to the nines and got very very sloshed.

My already thumping heart leaps when a pair of hands grip my swaying hips, a hard chest pressing into my back and pulling me close. I tilt my head back to rest on this mystery persons shoulder and close my eyes, just marvelling in the feeling of being this close to a man again. Hot breath fans against my neck, followed by lips trailing up to my ear.

The butterflies are going wild.

I smile to myself when the man finally speaks, "Well aren't you something."

His voice is deep and raspy. Immediately sending vibrations to my core, forcing me to squeeze my thighs together in reaction. My hands wrap around his neck when I  turn around to face him.

I almost step back to confirm. But upon turning to check who has just spoken to me, who has their arms around my waist and softly grinding into me from behind... is the Harry fucking Styles.

To act like he doesn't have as much as an effect on me as he certainly does, I only let myself be surprised for a split second. Almost so fast I'm sure he didn't notice my mouth part and stutter over the loud music.

"Well look who it is," I retaliate. I cock my head to the side and smile seductively. "If you don't mind, I've got to nip to the ladies room." Before he can respond, I'm walking away and pushing past the crowd. If I'd stayed there any longer I would've fan-girled so hard and ruined everything.

I need to compose myself and reapply my lipgloss.

Once I arrive at the toilet, I quickly make my way to the lit up mirror. I fluff my hair so my bangs are sat nicely and pat under my eyes to ensure there isn't any damage from the humidity. Finally I apply a new coat of lipgloss before turning around to leave the bathroom.

Only I come face-to-face with him.

He's admiring me while leaning against the door frame. A dangerously handsome look on his face as he reaches to the lock on the door and turns it.

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