{3} Daddy

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three: your best friend's dad has become a little too attractive since you got back from summer camp.


It felt like it had been months on end since I'd seen Lola Styles, my best friend since primary school, and all I wanted was to give her a huge hug and watch Netflix all night while curled up in her bed chatting about summer events.

Shutting the front door behind me and quickly running down the path of my front garden, my eyes scan the street for Harry's car after she'd promised they'd come to pick me up and we'd go out for ice cream at the beach.

My eyes light up and grow the size of flying saucers when I spot the black Range Rover parked a little bit up the street. I run as fast as I can with excitement before reaching the passenger side of the car and knocking on the window, Lola turns her head so quickly I'm afraid she'll get whiplash - her eyes widening as she reaches for the door handle and tugs it open without hesitation.

"OH MY GOD!! Y/N, IVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!" Lola yells as she wraps her arms around me, I hug her back just as eagerly.

"I MISSED YOU LOADS LOLA!!" I yell, but it's muffled into her neck as she spins me around.

She steps back and puts her hands on her hips, her eyebrow raising as a she runs her eyes over my figure. "Have you grown? I swear you've grown a couple inches!"
I shrug my shoulders to which she tilts her head before grabbing my arm in excitement. "Cmon, we're gonna get ice cream!" She tells me and pulls me towards the backseats. I open the door and climb in, Lola also climbing back into the passenger side of the car.

"Hey, y/n, how was summer camp? We missed you." Harry's asks from the front seat, his body turning so he's facing me.

Holy shit.

Has he always looked this good?

"Uh- yeah, it was... good. I m-missed you guys too." I catch my breath as I stutter out a response, quickly clearing my throat to make it seem like I needed to cough. I see Lola furrow her eyebrows at my strange behaviour since I've known Harry for so long he could literally be my father... but I'm sooo glad he's not right know because my thoughts are beyond inappropriate.

I struggle to pinpoint what's changed about Harry over the past 3 weeks while I've been away. His hair looks familiar but he's always growing it out and then cutting it again, at the moment it flops around his head in loose curls messily but still looking tame and done by a professional. His skin is slightly darker due to the blazing heat of the summer sun, his freckles more prominent on his perfectly sculpted nose.

"Right, y/n?" I hear Lola mention my name causing my attention to move from her father to her face now pressed between the door and seat to look at me in the back.

"Y-yeah, right" I agree without a scooby to what she's on about but she seems satisfied with my agreement because she continues to talk. My eyes flicker back to Harry but I notice his are focused on me in the back, caught red handed I send him a tight lipped smile and move my gaze to watch the beach pass by.

After parking the car and buying a ticket, Harry leads us towards our favourite ice cream shop - melt. The reason this shop holds a special place in my heart and will forever be my favourite place to get ice cream is because of my parents, this is where they met and where they fell head over heels in love with eachother.

Harry Styles SmutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora