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Dedicated to Sanu0000

Hello piyary readers...

Assalam o alaikum!
Sat Sri Akal !

Hope you all are doin good.

Today I am here with the most awaited interview of Sanu0000 who's famous for her rich vocabulary and erudite approach.
We already know that she is super intellectual and real genius but here I'm telling you she is such an amazing person with zero attitude.

She has written several books till now and each one of them is such a masterpiece. (Everyone loves her stories including me)

Don't forget to check out her works if you haven't read yet.

Well without wasting further time, let's get started.


Q: Tell us something about yourself ?
A: I'm a sarcasm
overloaded. Keep looking
for reasons to smile.
Passionate for writing, was
once a writer, now a
freelancer, married for 13
years with my college love,
mother of 2 kids, yet the
child inside me is ever
(A/N: Masha Allah our mommeyyy writer( kisses ) )

Q: Meaning of ur name?
A: Shaheen means, Royal
white falcon

Q: Nick name?
A:Nick name : Sanu, Mimi

(A/N: Haye meri Param Sundarii ) :-P

Q: what makes you unique as a person?
A: Lol I dunno you gotta be telling
me that.

Q: What kind of person are you?
A: Happy go lucky, you
would find me smiling all
the time, cracking up jokes,
silly most of time. Lol.

Q: What are your strength and weakness?
A: strength,. Hmm i would
say my strength is my
wisdom, the Freeflowing
mind of mine that is not
confined to any kind of
prejudices and
preconceived notions.

(A/N: haan to firrr kis kis ny Google dekhaa yah bhi ( face palm emoji) :P)

Q: How do you deal with stress and pressure?
A: when stressed, I put kn
some good music and voila,
I am all perked up.

Q: Share atleast one of your wattpad good memory?

A: when I started writing
here for the first time and
Marie gave me a shout out.
She was already quite
famous then, she did not
need to do that, yet
whatever she did Garnered
me a lot of fans and then,
they stuck on with my
writing. So yes, that was
one good memory of

Q: Back in school and college, what kind of person were you?

A: like I am now. I haven't
changed at all. By the way
I'm quite rebellious..

Q: Which thing inspires a person most to write? family environment or self interest?

A: I don't know about
others, but for me, it's self

Q: Have you ever thought that your hard work didn't get that much appreciation as you deserve and you thought to give up writing?

A: never. I am overloaded
with love here.

Q: Is there any author on Wattpad who inspires you a lot?

A: not inspire, no. No one
other than myself inspires
me, because I write a lot
realistic way, but yes there
are a few whose work I love.
There's Marie, there's Arche,
there's shraddha, ritu and
prerna and someone who
wrote Shayad.. I forgot her

(A/N: Arch_09 Prernnnaaahhhhhh
Baqi k username nhii Mily meko sorry)

Q: What attracts you to read any book here on Wattpad?

A: Good content. A good
story line.

Q: What is your biggest achievement in life?
A: Being a mother and a

(A/N: Mashaallah (heart))

Q: What's your greatest failure? And what did you learn from this?
A: I failed as a daughter at
times I feel

Q: Do you leave a part of yourself in your characters?

A: oh always, you would
always find something of
me in my characters.

Q: What were you did if a person annoy you?

A: I annoy him back with
my sarcasms.

Q: If any of your book were made a movie, which actors would play your characters? And what's the name of the movie?

A: I would like to have lanes of
Lahore turned into a movie
and I would have wanted
sidnaaz for that. Also ala
rasi and with them, now
that's not possible, so
whoever the casting
director feels right.

Q: What's the most precious gift someone has given you?

A: In terms of monetary value:
my husband. He gifted me a
Cartier watch.
In terms of emotions, him
again, he gifted me my kids.

Q: What do the words "writer's block" meant to you?

A: To me writer's block is when
I want to gi a certain way
and portray something and
it just doesn't come out the
way I want.

Q: As a child , what did you want to be when you grow up?

A: U wanna know this, okay, I
wanted to be a football
player. Lol, but true.

(A/N hayeee rabbaaa )

Q: If you could meet your characters, what would you say to them?

A: Nothing. Would say hi and
move on.

Q: If are isolated in a forest (where no electricity and internet) then who will be the person or the thing which you want to be or kept with you?

A: Books. Some good amazing
books can be of great

Q: How was your over all experience as an author?

A: I have faced some faced
some greatest criticism
here as you all know. Have
been targeted a lot of times
as well, yet the experience
was good enough.
Negativity always gives me
the strength to stand up
and rise again and shine

Q: Either or:

*Text msgs OR phone calls?
A: Text

*Dine in OR take away?
A: Dine in

*Poems OR quotes?
A: Poems

*Desserts OR spicy food?
A: Spicy foods

*Shopping in-store OR online?
A: Both

*Beaches nights OR mountain hiking ?
A: Mountain, am crazy for

*credit card OR Cash?
A: Cash boss, fukat k interest
ka paise kaun ginte hai

*Moterbikes Or Cars?
A: Cars, bike rides stiffens my

*Cats or dogs?
A: Dogs anytime any day.

*Weird or crazy ?
A: Both


Till the next interview,stay tuned

Zahqas ♡

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