"I'm sorry for ever doubting you, Takemichi! Even if you suck ass at fighting and even though your hair looks gross and you put it up in the most horrendous and ugly style!" Y/N exclaimed, "How can I thank you for saving my sister?!"

"Uh..." Takemichi paused, "It was actually Mikey who... knocked him out." Y/N deadpanned. Slowly, she stood up, brushing the dirt off her blouse.

"Forget you ever saw that." She growled at Takemichi before jogging over to Mikey and jumping him.

"Manjiro!" She exclaimed, her personality taking a complete turn once more, "Thank you!" Everybody sweatdropped while Mikey just grinned, hugging her back.

"My problem, m'amore!" He relished her warmth, "This means you're gonna marry me, right? Are you finally gonna accept my proposal?" Y/N sent him a deadpan look.

"Don't get too cocky, Manjiro." She grumbled, "You still have a long way to go." Mikey chuckled, patting her head.

'It's because she's still in love with Hanma. I wonder... what would've happened if she didn't move... if she never met him...' The smile on his face seemed genuine enough to fool everybody but, inside, he was hurting.

Y/N had always been a special person to him. After she moved away, he felt devastated. Then, years later, Shinichiro died, only making him feel worse.

Kazutora and Baji confessed that it was them eventually but it was clear there was a third person involved. Those two wouldn't have been able to get away so cleanly without them.

He still didn't know who it was but he trusted it wasn't Y/N.

Ever since the fight with Valhalla, he had a suspicion. However, after observing her for a whole, he came to the conclusion that she was either innocent or just a really good actor.

"Okay lovebirds." Draken grunted, interrupting the moment, "Pack it up." The two were still lying on the ground, embracing each other.

Senju pouted, secretly glaring at Mikey. Wakasa bit back a laugh, amused by the amount of jealousy that was swirling around in the atmosphere.

"Ash, are you okay?" Y/N questioned as Mikey helped her to her feet. The blonde female nodded.

"Yes. He just... scared me... that's all." She murmured.

Clearly, it wasn't safe in Japan anymore. Y/N had two choices she could make. She could either hand herself in or she could request for Hiro to move her family, including Kisaski and his mother. She opted for the latter as it seemed safer.

Perhaps she could send them to America. The land was big there and they would have no trouble finding a suitable home. However, outbreaks of violence popped up here and there so maybe not.

"Hey, Y/N," Ashley spoke, a gentle smile on her face, "Let's get back befor"- She was cut off by an arrow suddenly piercing her chest. She spluttered, spitting out a mouthful of blood. Y/N's eyes widened as well as Takemichi's.

Draken quickly caught Ashley, laying her on the ground.

"Ash?! Ash!" Y/N shouted, lightly slapping her sister's cheek. She pressed two fingers against the blonde's neck, searching for a pulse. It was faint but at least Ashley was still alive. "Hey, Ash, it'll be okay! There's a hospital just a few blocks down! Draken, carry her once I find something to stop the bleeding!" Y/N dug around in her bag, finding nothing. She inhaled deeply before reaching to rip the side of her dress. However, before she could, Ashley stopped Y/N's desperate attempt.

𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐀 #tokyo rev. [✓]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon