<Chapter Nine> All I know is pain...

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⚠️ TW: mentions of self harm, strong verbal/ physical abuse, blood, violence, shouting, mentions of alcohol/ being drunk, mentions possible starvation? ⚠️

This one's gonna be interesting, so prepare for an emotional roller coaster :)
I think I got all of the trigger warnings, but please comment if I missed any!
Enjoy! 😃

It took a while for Technoblade to get away, he kept having to slow down his pace so that he could take a breath.

He hadn't needed his inhaler in over a year now, and wasn't planning on needing in any time soon either.

Eventually, however, he got home. And as soon as he did, he wished he had just stayed at the park.

His father's angry face loomed in the doorway as he entered, immediately making him terrified, trying to remember anything bad he could have done this time.

He couldn't really think of anything, other than Wilbur finding out about his self harming issues. But his father couldn't possibly know about that. Right...?

'Boy! Come over here right this instant!' His father shouted, making Techno flinch.

'Y-yes, sir. I-is there a problem, sir...?' He stuttered quietly, walking over to the raging man.

'Oh, there sure are a lot of problems here. You, boy. You are in deep trouble.' He said angrily. Techno remained silent, so he continued.

'What is this call I just received?'

'I don't... know, sir...' He really didn't, but he was terrified to find out. Just get the beating over with and leave me alone already... he thought.

'Apparently it's from one of your classmates' dad. Do you know anything about this?' The man barked, and Techno's heart sank.

He didn't even need to finish what he was saying, the boy already knew. This was bad...

'He said that his son had seen you in the park not long ago, and he said something about you self harming. Trying to get attention again, boy? HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO FUCKING SAY THIS TO YOU FOR YOUR TINY ASS BRAIN TO COMPREHEND!? DON'T. TRY. GAINING. ATTENTION!!!' He roared.

'N-no, sir! I-I swear it w-wasn't to get attention, please!' Techno said, holding his arms over his head, preparing for the blow. Less than a second later, he felt his father's fist punch him square in the nose, making him fall backwards onto the floor, blood suddenly dripping all over his clothes.

He tried his absolute best to stay quiet. Anybody would if they knew what was best for them in this situation.

His father bent down next to him, getting only mere inches away from his face. Techno could smell the horrible stench of alcohol coming from him.

His father gave a sickening smile as he watched with enjoyment as the blood dribbled down the young boy's chin, watching with amusement his terrified expression.

'Don't. Fucking. Lie. To. Me.' He said in barely more than a whisper.

'I-I'm s-sorry, I r-really didn't m-mean to make them w-worry...' His father stood up, looking down at him with disgust.

'You really thought they cared? Well let me tell you, boy. THEY ARE FUCKING LYING TO YOU!!! EVERYBODY. IS FUCKING. LYING. TO YOU!!! NONE OF THEM CARE, YOU ARE JUST A USELESS. PIECE. OF SHIT!!!' He roared, landing another kick in the boy's stomach every time he finished a sentence.

Techno whimpered, curling into himself in pain, silent tears running down his cheeks as more and more kicks were sent his way.

It fucking hurt, okay?
It felt like his whole body was being set on fire, or being stabbed with a million flaming hot knives with every kick.
He couldn't even breathe anymore. Every single time he tried to take a breath, another punch or a kick was sent his way, blowing every last bit of air out of him.

Suddenly, the man stopped. Techno couldn't see him, but he heard him taking deep, angry breaths.

He looked down at Techno, and smiled.

'It's funny, isn't it? How not long ago, you were standing here in front of me, lying to my face.
Now here you are, mere seconds later, cowering on the floor with pain.
You better learn, boy.
Make sure this doesn't happen again, because I am perfectly capable of doing this on a consistent schedule.
I'm having to stop myself from doing it every day, just for your own good. But if you keep this up, I won't hold back from making it my routine. UNDERSTAND!?'
Techno whimpered quietly in reply, and he nodded.

'I'm going out to the bar with my friends. If I come back and find that you are still here, you're getting it again.' He said, turning away from him and walking out of the door, locking it behind him.


But little did Techno know that even this wasn't the extent of his father's cruelty.

He just about managed to crawl up to his room by the time that his father came home, and was lying sideways on his bed, face scrunched up in pain, just trying to absorb the horrible feeling of having to suffer such great amounts of it.

He was aware of hearing his father come in to the room at one point, and talk to him in a slurred voice, clearly drunk. The conversation went something like this:

'Ah, I see you've come upstairs, good job with that.
But I have something more for you, don't you think that you are getting away from this with just a beating.
I'm going to make sure you never see those "friends" of yours any time soon.
I'm locking your room, you aren't leaving here until I say so. And don't even expect for that moment to come. Goodbye, now!' He said with a nasty grin, waving and closing the door behind him.
Techno heard the lock click, panic setting in.

This was it. He was helpless.
He knew his father would easily keep his promise, he was probably going to die of hunger before too long...

What did he do to deserve this...?



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