<Chapter Two> Caught...

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⚠️ TW: vomiting, sickness, self hate ⚠️

I think I got all of them, feel free to comment if I missed any!

By noon, Techno felt horrible.

His head pounded, and he barely even managed to keep himself upright from the dizziness.

Every limb in his body felt numb, and despite how hot it was in the classroom, he was shivering. It felt like he was being dunked into a pool of icy water.

He just wished that it could end, but he was in the middle of an English class, he couldn't let his guard drop and make a fool of himself in front of the whole class.

He raised a shaking hand, and asked to be excused to go to the restroom.

He tried to make it sound fine, but his voice came out a little more croaky than what he'd hoped for.

Even so, he stood up, stumbling a bit as he got out of the door.

Luckily, no one noticed, so he was just about able to close the door before he almost collapsed on the floor.

He held onto a bench which was conveniently placed right in front of him for support, before standing up and somehow slowly making his way down the hall towards the boys' restroom.

He stumbled into the nearest stall, and sat down -or more like collapsed- on the floor, leaning on the toilet seat for support.

Thank god it was already nearby, because he suddenly felt himself throw up, hearing all of it splatter onto the sides of the toilet bowl.

He cringed at the sound of it, leaning back against the walls.

But then his head suddenly whipped up as he heard a familiar voice call,
'Techno? Is that you?'


'W-Wilbur...?' he said weakly.

'Techno, I know you're in here, open the door please.' Wilbur said seriously, knocking on the door of the stall.

Techno's face dropped.

'I-I'm fine, Wil. You can leave. Shouldn't you be in class...?'

'I could ask you the same question. Now open the door before I break it down.' Techno sighed.

  'I don't think you'd want to do that. You'll get suspended if you damage school property.'

  Wilbur scoffed.

'Do you really think I care? I'm more worried about you than getting in trouble.'

Techno took a sharp intake of breath. His headache wasn't getting any better, in fact it was getting worse by the minute.

He knew Wilbur wasn't leaving any time soon, it'd be best to get this over with as soon as possible.

'R-right. Okay, fine. B-but I'm telling you, I-I'm fine.' Techno said finally, just about managing to muster up the energy to reach up to open the door before collapsing back, crumpled in the small space of floor the tight bathroom stall offered him.

As soon as Wilbur opened the door and looked down at him he gasped, kneeling down carefully next to the boy.

'Techno! What happened? You look like absolute shit.'

  Techno just laughed quietly, fighting to stay cautious.

'Nice way to greet someone. I think you should go back to class, Wil. I'm fine, just leave it to me. You're gonna get told off.'

'I don't know what you think they would do, but our teachers wouldn't tell me off for helping my clearly sick friend. Now come on, I'm taking you to the nurse's office, and I don't want to hear your excuses.'

Before Techno could argue, Wilbur had helped him stand up, and was leading him in the direction of the nurse's office.

'Wilbur!' He whisper-shouted, panic washing over him. 'I'm fine, go back to class! I'm not sick!' Wilbur scoffed.

'Yeah right, look at you! You just don't want to be seen like this in front of the others. I know my best friend, Tech.' He said, going back to leading the sick boy down the hall.

'So what if you're right, huh? I'm not a baby, I can deal with it myself,' He said, annoyed.

'You can't even stand up properly. Drop the act, will you?'

'Yes I can!' He argued.

  Wilbur raised his eyebrow.
'Is that so?' Techno nodded.

'So does that mean you'd be able to walk to the nurse's office alone?'

'Uh... I'd be able to go back to the lesson. I'm not sick.'

'Oh really? So you'd be able to stand up if I let go right now?' Techno nodded, clearly uncertain about his awnser, but not ready to admit it.

'Okay then. I'm letting go in 3...2...1.' Wilbur stood back, allowing the other to stand up.

He wobbled for a moment, but managed to stand still.

As soon as he tried to take a step forward, however, pain shot through his head once more, blurring his vision.

He tripped over his own feet, swiftly being caught by a not-so-surprised Wilbur.

'Listen, Wil. I'm fine!' He clearly didn't have much hope in convincing him anymore, though he still tried.

Wilbur just shook his head, pointing in the direction of the nurse's office.

Eh. It was worth a try. Finally defeated, Techno obliged.

Overall, the walk there was pretty silent.

Techno was dreading the embarrassment he'd feel of knowing he'd had to ask for help, or even just be weak enough to be sick, especially at school.

He couldn't even hide it anymore, combined with the fact that even this small walk was tiering him out as if he'd run a marathon.

He tried his best not to lean his weight over to Wilbur for two reasons.

One, it would make him look weak.
And two, Wilbur was already wasting his time on a loser like him, all of this "I care about you" shit was probably just an act.

The difference between him and Techno's father was that his father didn't even try to hide the fact that he despised him with every cell of his body, while Wilbur did his best to try and hide it.

At least Techno thought he hated him. But in reality, it wasn't exactly true.

'Why don't you drop the act?' Techno muttered, breaking the silence.

'What?' Wilbur stopped, and looked at him with confusion.

  'You know you don't have to pretend like you care, right?' He replied.
'You can just tell me you hate me, it's fine. I'm used to it.' Wilbur looked at him for a moment.

'I'm not saying that, because it's not true. You're my best friend, Tech. Why would you think that? Who said this?'

Techno shook his head, muttering something under his breath.

  'Huh?' Wilbur said, eyebrows furrowed. 'What was that? I didn't quite catch what you said.'

'Nothing... let's just keep going.'



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