My face flushed as I realized how silly I must have looked. "I was just interested in what was going on and was told to keep my identity a secret until tonight, so I had no other choice but to look odd."

In my attempt to make him not think I was weird, I only made myself look like a desperate mess. I had never met someone that was able to muddle my mind and have me trip over myself like a little girl. It was infuriatingly embarrassing, but also quite funny.

He started to laugh quietly, life beaming from those deep emerald eyes of his, easing my tension and embarrassment slightly. "You are something else, Miss Beckett, and I do hope our paths cross often while you are here at the palace. It is nice to have someone to laugh with."

I studied him for a moment and realized just how tired he looked. It must have been a lot of work being the heir to a kingdom. Running around trying to please snobby nobles who'd go on and on about unimportant things, as he tried to learn everything that he could about all the duties he would have had to assume once his father stepped down or died abruptly.

The royals saw things us subjects, even some nobles, did not, and there was no telling what all was going on behind the curtains that had been hidden by the smiles and reassurances of the king and queen.

"I am sure we will." I looked back towards the banquet. "I think we might want to join the rest of them before people notice we are gone."

"After you." He motioned for me to go on ahead first.

I curtsied, then before I pushed open the glass doors, I momentarily looked back at him once more. He stood there as he peered out into the yard with such a lifeless look on his face, and I wondered if he was dreading the fact that he had to, once again, join everyone out there.

I felt sorry for him, for all that he had and would endure, and I did not know why. Perhaps, I saw a little of myself in him.

He was pleasantly interesting, and rather easy to talk to, which gave me hope that his brother might have been the same. However, I felt slightly guilty for having enjoyed his presence more than his brother's, who I had been summoned there to court.

Though, I had not experienced much of Thomas at that point, so perhaps I did not have much grounds to think a such. I was sure, that in time I would have grown fond of him as well.

I slowly walked down the stairs taking a deep breath as I braced myself for the rest of the night's festivities. Thankfully everyone stood around, some seated, talking as they waited for their host to tell them otherwise. This made it easy for me to slip right in without anyone giving my arrival any second thought, allowing me to avoid any unwanted confrontation that might have arisen otherwise.

Though, that also meant that I could have talked with Henry for much longer than I had, which was slightly saddening.

There was a sense of terror intermingled with fun that came with sneaking around, but I had no intentions on getting any more acquainted with it than I already had. It was reckless of me to stand there and speak with Prince Henry alone and out of the sight of others. There was no telling what someone would have said about us if they had seen.

I needed to remind myself of the reason that I was there and prevent myself from becoming entangled in any more potentially scandalous situations. However, it was my intention to marry into the royal family, so I did not see any harm in trying to befriend them all. Which meant I could see him again, but only in a more public setting and with the intent of becoming no more than friends.

I had very little relations with men other than my father, so I knew that I was, in truth, quite vulnerable when it came to their charms. And that was why I chose to not mistake Henry's kindness for something other than what it was.

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