Chapter 17 Karaoke Night

Start from the beginning

"Wow, Blythe," Sam says. "This is good. I didn't know you could cook."

"I can't," I say, and everyone looks up at me. "This is the only thing. This and pancakes, of course."

"Oh, yes," Jax says and laughs. "The two majour food groups."

I laugh. "So what'd you guys buy at the mall?"

Dev lights up and then pulls back. He squints his eyes at me. "Never mind."

"Okay," I drag out. "Anyone else?"

Sam laughs. "I bought your candy, don't worry, Blythe."

I pretend to sag in my seat. "Oh good. Because that was the only thing I was worried about. Not you guys."

Jax throws a napkin at me.

"Hey! Orion, Jax threw a napkin at me!"

He laughs and puts his hands up. "Don't pull me into this." He stands up. "I'm going for seconds."

I put my bowl up. "Me too, please?"

"No. You're not cripple anymore. Get your own." Orion turns his back and goes over to the stove.

It's been a little over a week since the gym incident. The bruise is still there, a sickly yellow brown, but the pain has mellowed enough for me to walk again.

My mouth opens in a betrayed gasp, and the others snicker. "Fine." I get up and follow Orion, but when he puts his bowl down, I switch ours, and eat his as I go back to my seat.

He turns around. "What—" He looks at me. "Blythe, give me my food back."

"No." I laugh. "You're not cripple anymore. Get your own."

"Oh. That's it. Get over here." Orion runs around to get me, but I'm already up and to the other side of the kitchen before he can get to me.

"Catch me if you can," I taunt and then shriek and run when he comes after me. I race through the dining room and go around the first floor. I hear the others cheering me on and making bets on who's going to win. I laugh and glance over my shoulder, but then I stumble on something and manage to right myself before Orion grabs me from behind and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I win," he says next to my ear, and it sends goosebumps down my arms.

My belly feels weird, but I pretend that everything is normal, and I'm just catching my breath. I lean back into him and look up at him with a smile.

"Fine. But what exactly do you win?"


For some reason, my face heats up. And I don't know why.

I wiggle out of his arms and go to the den. I collapse on the couch and groan.

Sam sits next to me. "You okay, Blythe?"

"I left my bowl on the table." I wave in the general direction of it. "Can you get it for me? Please?"

He gets up and looks at the table. "Too late. Orion already ate it."

I sit up. "What?" I catch him eating the last bite, and he smirks at me.

I glare and lay back down. "Fine. Guess I just won't eat dinner tonight."

"I have the candy in my room," Sam whispers and nods towards the stairs.

I get up and say loudly, "Yes. That is a good idea, Sam. Let's do that. Upstairs. Right now." I grab his hand and drag him away from everyone and up the stairs. Instead of going to the left for my room, I go to the right for the room Sam and Dev share. Sam's quiet as we enter, and when I go to close the door, I see him standing there with a red face. "What?"

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