"It most certainly is not." They both laughed.

"But seriously though, how have you been holding up with your pregnancy?"

"I never thought I would be a mother, that's for sure." She smiled and touched her belly. "They're being good to me."


"It's twins."

His stare only turned to saddened. "That's. Great." He gulped and turned his gaze. "What are you up to here?"

"Just looking over the contract. I want another pairing."

"Has Boman told you what happened with the women in Helios?" He murmured, looking towards the glass.

"I'm surprised you are even asking me that. Do you know?"

He opened his mouth to talk but looked thoughtful.


"No one knows."

"What are you not telling me."

"I've overheard things I shouldn't know, and if you ever do..."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you're being sheltered from many things. You need to take care of yourself."

"Never repeat things you hear here."

"Shhh." He got closer to her and leaned next to her ear. 

"What does that-"

"I don't know if they can hear us, but I just assume it's everywhere."

"Did you hear from Calypso? Is that it?" She whispered.

"I have to go."

"Why? Ambrose, tell me."

"When you are ready, and I can know more."

"You're just going to leave?"

He kept on walking and didn't look back. Alyssa was flabbergasted. Now he was the one running away from her. Shifting her thoughts back to all her rejections.

"Attention passengers, we are just a few axis cycles away to cross the end of the Milkyway galaxy," Boman announced, and Alyssa rolled her eyes. Even here, his voice followed her.

Ambrose and Tinker were both now out of the question. She would have to come up with a plan. Turning to someone she knew would genuinely help her get what she wanted. Her mind played tricks on her and made her think for a second the worst plan is making alliances with people she doesn't know well and asking for help. Especially when she could not trust anyone other than herself, but she doesn't have a choice. It's either that or be at Boman's beck and call until he decided to call it quits. Yet, she desired him. 

Was this the serum or her thinking? It wouldn't surprise her at this point. One moment she has livid thoughts of how she wants things to go, and her mind and body keep playing tricks on her emotions. She didn't want anything influencing her actions, so she couldn't be too rash about this. She needed to be careful with her actions and thoughts.

"Wife." A murmur took her thoughts away. "I've been looking for you."

"But I don't want to be found." She turned to walk away, and he grabbed her.

"Are you going to hate me forever?" His brows furrowed. "This isn't good for our young ones."

"I decide what's good for them. And what's good for me is good for them; peace and quiet. Now can you leave?"

"What are you doing with this here?" His stare fixated on the documents. 

"I just like to read it." She cursed inwardly. It was the worst excuse she could give him.

"And you can't read the contract in the room?" He got closer and scattered the contract on the floor. Then he grabbed her.

"Wife. Things will start being difficult for you if you don't behave and stop looking for ways to leave me. Do you understand me?"

"And this is how you prefer I behave and stay by your side? Like a perfect trophy? By threatening me?" She struggled in his grasp.

"Wife, when I threaten you, you will know it." His stare went between her eyes and lips. Not being able to contain himself, he kissed her passionately. She let him in her trance for a while and kissed him back with equal fervor. Then stopped him biting his lower lip hard. 

He forcefully grabbed her jaw and cheeks with his hand, licking the blood she drew and stared at her in anger.

"Fuck off." She tried to take his hand off her. 

"I'll see you tonight in bed." He said through clenched teeth, releasing her rather forcefully and turning around to walk away.

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