Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Aruns pov

I clear my throat and look up at the boy with his big grey eyes waiting for me to sign his book, "Sorry kid, But this isn't my book."

"What do you mean it's not your book? I have every single copy of everything you've ever written!" He said looking disappointed and rocking back and forth on his toes. "I don't know what you're talking about, I only have 3 books published." "But.. These are all written by you! Just under different pen names..." His loud voice started to lower and I could see him getting teary-eyed "I'm sorry kid, I can get you one of my books for free and sign it, Would you like that?" He knows. He knows something. But there's a line full of my readers and I can't make a scene, so the most I can do right now is act it off and play dumb. "But..This is my favorite thing you wrote..I've worked so hard to find you and- and-" His voice starts to get shaky and I can tell he's about to cry, Now I may be immortal but I'm sure as hell, not an asshole, Plus this guy is too cute to cry. I let out a sigh and quickly signed his book using the name Arun Morgan. I looked up at him, "Riley." I didn't write anything special, just 'Enjoy, Riley" I handed the book back to him and his sadness magically disappeared. He smiled so widely, showing his shiny white teeth. "Thanks!" He said, beaming with joy. He totally played me. I watched him walk off and a new person came up to my booth.




What just happened?? What does that kid know? This feels like a nightmare but I'm wide awake. I need to find out, I've come so far I'll be damned if my secret is exposed by a hormonal teenager.

I quickly put the "On Brake" sign on the booth table and I ran towards the exit of the convention looking for the boy named Riley. "Kid!" I yell as he looks back before sprinting towards the parking lot.

I grab his arm before he makes it out and pull him towards me.

"Hey! Watch it! I just got this hoodie ironed." He said in a way I couldn't tell if it was satire or not.

"We need to talk," I said in a low voice, Though it wouldn't have mattered anyway since the place was so loud and full of people. I grab his hand in mine and pull him behind me into the male restroom. "Woah there, I know I said I was a huge fan, But not THAT huge." He said as I pulled him into the biggest bathroom stall.

"Why did you bring me this book?"

I said clearly pissed off

"What about it? I just wanted it signed. It's not that deep."

Not that deep? This is SO fucking deep. This guy just shows up out of nowhere and has me sign something from thousands of years ago and won't tell me why? How is that NOT deep? I grab his neck and slam him against the stall door

"You better tell me what you know before I ruin that pretty little face of yours." Ok, maybe I am an asshole.

He wraps his hand around my wrist as I tighten my grip on his throat

"Is it weird that I'm really turned on right now?" He grins

I shove my knee between his legs and he immediately falls onto the dirty restroom floor.

"Shit, That hurt." He groaned

"Can we talk about it over a coffee?" He laughed nervously


I turn on the radio and put the classical music station on. I could see Riley in the backseat rolling his eyes, But he couldn't say anything because I taped his mouth shut. I wasn't about to drive listening to his bull shit the whole time.

Once we arrived at the café we waited at our table for our drinks. I ordered a coffee while Riley ordered a Mocha Frappe. Once we had our drinks he stared at me while sipping his drink as if he was waiting for me to say something. "What?" I questioned

"Nothing," he mumbled

He slammed his cup onto the table "Alright, let's talk."

"I don't have all day," I say

"My name is Riley, And I've been 19 since 1986."

I choke on my coffee.

"Oh don't act surprised, You've been alive since like the start of time for crying out loud!" He yelled "Shut up! People will hear you!"

"Oh please, No one cares." He stood on top of the chair and waved his arms around "Everyone! This guy is immortal and has been alive for billions of years!!"


He sat back down with a smile "See? No one gives a shit."

"What do you want from me and how do you know."

"Well, you're quite friendly, Aren't you?"

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