Episode 6: The Plan

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Varian took a deep breath as he walked through the doors into the ball room. "You got this. It's not like the entire room is looking at you," he whispered to himself.

"Enters Varian of Old Corona, New Alchemist of the Minor Court."

Nevermind. The entire room was looking at him. Fuck. It was different having a room full of people that could literally have your head chopped off staring at you than just a street full of random strangers.

Since he was new, the stares lasted a little longer than they usually would. Varian immediately went over to the table for punch. He poured a glass and began to sip on it.

"Varian they said?"

He turned to look at the speaker. She was a woman with rather vibrant red hair and sharp eyes. "Yes."

"Caine," she stated as she seemed to look him up and down behind her fan which was extended across her face, symbolizing that she desired to speak with him.

"What part of the court are you? I hope I'm not too straight forward," he said.

"I'm I'm charge of all the weapons as a Major Court member. We might see each other often, as you will be designing weapons often?"

"Yes, I believe so." Varian took a sip of his drink.

"You're not used to these events are you?" She said.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Painfully so on your part. You fidget far too much and is far too stiff. Though, that shall probably change over time as you naturally become more accustomed to it."

"Preferably sooner rather than later," Varian added.

There conversation was interrupted by the announcer. "Lady Cassandra of the Elite Court and Lady Rapunzel of the Elite Court, the daughters of Gothel."

Varian's eyes widened as he watched Cassandra walk in. Her dress was black and multiple shades of blue. There were strings of pearls draped on it and her blue sash draped over one arm. And she had a black choker that strode know her pail skin and unclothed shoulders.

  And she had a black choker that strode know her pail skin and unclothed shoulders

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(Not my art)

"Oh, god," he whispered.

Caine set her fan behind her head before walking away. He barely managed to recieve her message as he couldn't move his eye. What the hell was wrong with him? Why did she make him feel so different?

He set his punch down and walked over to her. "Ah, Cassie."

She held her hand out and he leaned down and kissed it for polite tradition. He looked up at her as he straightened his back, cheeks slightly flushed.

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