Episode 5: Truth and Civility

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"What do you think?" Varian looked to Faith. Given, the entire group of Old Coronans that were in the sleeping quarters saw him as he stepped out from the dressing curtain.

He was wearing a blue suit he picked up the day before and a dull black bowtie. It was a thin and loose bowtie so Varian didn't feel like suffocating.

"Great!" She proclaimed. "Right?"

A few of the group took the time to give him a thumbs up. Varian let out a nervous sigh. "Now all I have to do is go to the castle and actually see if I'm getting the job..."

"Of course you'll get it," Faith said.

"If I get this job, I have to go back to Old Corona."

"We can handle ourselves from here," she assured him.

"I know. We're Old Corona, we're strong and resilient. I didn't come because I didn't think you all couldn't handle it. I went because I was going to suffer with you."

"Well, now we aren't suffering."

"If I get this job, would you mind looking out for them?" Varian asked suddenly, looking at Faith.

Her eyes widened. "But-"

"What better candidate? You've been advising me since we got here. What if we put it to a vote? Of course, you may decline. I'm not forcing part of my responsibility on you."

"Oh-ok." She stuttered. "If you think I can do it, I'll give it a shot."

"No, I don't think. I believe you can and everyone else in this room believes in you too. Except maybe Carl, but he doesn't trust anyone but himself because he has severe trust issues."

The man in question tipped his hat with a smirk. It was a town joke.

Faith chuckled. "Alright, I'll take your word on it. Now, shoo! You're going to be late and you'll be fired before you get hired."

"Oh, jeez. I didn't realize that was possible. Don't want that to muddy up my record," Varian joked as he walked out the door.

He walked through the streets. He paused when he walked by the stalks. There was twelve year old in there covered in vegetable. Varian's blood boiled with anger. He pulled out a handkerchief and began to wipe off the boy's face.

"What are you doing?" The boy asked, terrified.

"Helping you out a bit. No one wants to be cover in tomatoes," Varian replied.

"But aren't you rich? You'll get your suit dirty-"

"Don't worry about the suit. It's made of cloth. It's replaceable. You aren't."

"You don't even know me."

"Well, let's change that. I'm Varian."

"As in Varian of Old Corona?"

"Jeez I really do have a name around here."

"I'm Yong! I can't believe I'm meeting you!"

Varian chuckled. "Sorry it's not under better circumstances. Here, I'm going to be late to a meeting at the castle. I'll come back afterwards to check on you. Yong, right?"

"Yep! That's me!"

"Alright. I'll see you in a bit and see? Nothing on my suit. Nothing to worry about."

The boy giggled. Varian grinned but his eyes still showed that he was angry about Yongs treatment. Reluctantly, he left him in the stocks and went to the castle gate. This time, he didn't even have to introduce himself. The guards just let him in.

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