Episode 3: Clarity

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Varian let out a hiss as the doctor tightened his bandages. She didn't even say sorry, but she was a busy woman and it wasn't like the pain was her fault to begin with.

"Hang on, let me go grab you a spare shirt," she muttered, leaving him in the room.

He sighed as he sat there on the bed. He had been stuck there for two days on a doctor's note that he was unable to work. Even though he was being let out, he wasn't allowed to work until the next day. The people could swear by the Celestials that he was not about to complain about that.

The door opened and he didn't really pay attention, expecting it to be the doctor. Her footsteps sounded off so he looked up. His eyes widened in surprise to find Cassandra standing there. There was a moment of stunned silence before Varian realized he wasn't even wearing a shirt. He yelped and grabbed the bed sheets to cover his chest.

She rolled her eyes, but it was nice to know that he had a sense of modesty. It was kinda funny, actually, but she held down her laugh.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Last time I saw you, you were covered in blood," she retorted.

"Oh, you saw that?"

"I stopped it, actually. Well, your people did, I just stopped the mob."

"Ah. I see..."

She cleared her throat. "I just want you to be aware that the treatment you have suffered is not the protocol. Forgive my ignorance of Weasel's brutal mistreatment. I had only just started working overseeing the mine and was ignorant of what was going on."

"You're apologizing?"

"Yes. What happened was uncalled for and not in Weasel's right. If you caused that much problems, he should have turned you over to the officials where you would have a trial if judgment is even necessary."

"I see. Well, I accept you apology and thank you for stepping in," Varian stated.

"When you say your people, are you speaking about Corona in general or people in your rank?"

"I speak of my towns people. As their leader, it is my job to make sure they are well taken care of."

"Village leader? What are you doing in the mines?" She asked in surprise. "Someone of your status is unheard of to be down there."

Varian chuckled. "I get that a lot. Long story short, our little town was fined and we have no way to pay it and survive the winter. So the mines was our only option. I wasn't about to send my people there if I myself was not willing to commit that sacrifice."

"How old are you?"


"You must be something of the villagers elected you as mayor."

"Our village is old schooled. It was my birthright. The recent death of my father has put me in the mayor's chair."

"Sorry, that is unfortunate."

"Yes, very unfortunately," Varian repeated, his tone sounding bitter. Then he looked at her again. "Well, what about you. You're like what, twenty one? You're already in the Queen's Elite."

"Only because I was blessed with the Moonstone. Hand picked because I am one of her apprentices' daughters. Ok, me and Raps are the only children related to the Elite."

"Oh, so you weren't born with that ability?"

"No." She shook her head.

"You no, rumors spiral around about you. I can't say any of them are right apart from the fact that your a witch with the powers of the moon."

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