Episode 4: Opportunities

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"Hmm?" Varian looked up to find Faith standing next to him.

"You quit working and phased out. You ok?"

"Oh," Varian went back to work, "no I just got lost in thought..."

"You thinking about the offer Cassarandra gave you?"

"Yeah... what do you think I should do?"

"I think you should take it," she answered.

"But I'm the Mayor of Old Corona-"

"Varian, all you ever wanted was to help people. Your dreams didn't become irrelevant when you inherited the Mayor's seat. This is a grand opportunity. You can help more than Old Corona."

"But I can't just leave my position. I promised Leah that I would return by the Spring..."

"Well, they never said you couldn't still be Mayor. Maybe you can work from Old Corona. I think you should at least have a thorough discussion with them before you throw is out the window. We followed you to the mines, but that doesn't mean you have to stay. You can't always be an example. Sometimes, you have to take the opportunities that will better your people's lives, even if it means to leave them for a short time."

"We should have made you mayor," he joked.

Faith chuckled. "Listen, all I'm saying is that you already had these mines turned upside down in less than a month and some drastic changes are being made. We have decent hours, get paid the same amount that we did when we were overworked. No one's getting whipped either, all because you stood up and said something. Imagine what you could do with this new opportunity!"

"Alright, I'll think about it..."

"That's what you've been saying. If you didn't want the chance, I would leave you alone. But I know you Varian. The only reason you are hesitant is because you feel guilty to leave us behind. We're safe in the mines now. At least, way better off than what we were before. You should take the job. It doesn't have to be you who makes all the sacrifices and the brunt of all the sharp swords. Please, for your own sake, do something for yourself."

"I'll talk to Cassandra about it. Will that make you quiet?" Varian inquired.


"Fine. I'll talk to Cassandra, and I'll see what arrangements can be made. I will let you know if I believe that it's worth it, ok?"



"We need a way from the inside to tear up Zhan Tiri's organization from with in," Hector said.

"Quirin was never completely on board with that plan," Edmund said.

"Yeah, but what other choice do we have? We lost Quirin in a wink of an eye," Adira retorted. "We're the last of the Brotherhood. Everyone has either been killed or died because of poor living conditions. We need to make a move. This may be our final chance."

"Well, then, who do you suggest we get to do it?" Edmund asked. "We need someone we can trust and has the opportunity to be in Zhan Tiri's Court and is smart enough to know how to blend in..."

"Well, didn't Quirin mentioned he had a son?" Eugene asked.

Edmund sighed. "If he wanted Varian involved, he would have already done so. We must respect his descion and keep Varian out of this."

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