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So, her guesses had indeed been right. And the note was not lying. . . Byung did murder her parents.

Then, there was a click as the door was pushed open. When Byung walked in, he saw Shen Liya standing in the same place she had been standing at when he left. He looked at her with a weird feeling inside of him, but he could not figure out exactly what was wrong.

"She said she's thirsty. Go get her a cup of water," he said, and Shen Liya nodded before walking out of the room without saying anything.

After closing the door, she let out a breath of relief as she was almost caught and she quickly left, going to go get a cup of water.

With the warm cup of water, she entered the room with a straight face, surprised to see Lisa standing right at the door, staring straight back at her.

She could not help but flinch slightly at the close contact, but after a while, she continued to walk straight past her as she placed the cup of water onto the ground. When she turned back around, she saw that Lisa had closed the door and was facing her.

"Shen Liya," she said. Lisa noticed a slight and quick change of expression on Shen Liya's expression when she heard her name, but she quickly went back to maintaining a straight expression as she tried to walk past Lisa but she wouldn't let her past.

"Don't you feel any remorse for doing this?" Lisa asked coldly, unable to recognize the same girl she had met in school.

Shen Liya did not respond but a hint of confusion flashed past her eyes and Lisa was careful enough to catch this, so she continued, "You know you don't have to help your uncle, right?"

Shen Liya looked over at Lisa and spoke to her for the first time she had come here, "And why shouldn't I? Do you expect me to help you?"

"Yes," Lisa replied bluntly, "I am certain that you are smart enough to know what is right and what is wrong. There is no good in helping your uncle."

Shen Liya opened her mouth but didn't say anything for several seconds. Then, she laughed and walked towards Lisa, looking a little more open to talk, "And what good is there to help you?"

"At least you won't feel the knot in your heart you do right now," Lisa said slowly, causing Shen Liya to raise her eyebrows in surprise at what Lisa had said.

Since she was a little girl, she was trained to be a top murderer, just like her uncle. After her parents had died, she was brought here by Byung, who said that he was her parent's best friend, and they wanted him to take care of her.

She had always been emotionless and possibly even heartless, but after all the events that had happened recently, when she saw Lisa here, she felt very uncomfortable. She could not tell what it was, but it made it hard to breathe for her.

"Shen Liya, I know you aren't the same as him," Lisa said, "We all aren't. He isn't even your biological uncle, right?"

Shen Liya narrowed her eyes at Lisa, taking a step towards her, "How did you know?"

Lisa had guessed, but she wasn't surprised that her guess was right, "You guys aren't alike at all. Whether it is the outer appearance, or the inner. You two are different."

My wife is the Underworld Queen (Jenlisa)Where stories live. Discover now