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At night, they slept at the Lee house together and they were going to stay there until the New Year. They laid on the soft bed in the dark room, close together because the bed was quite small as it had been Lisa's old bed.

Lisa had fallen asleep already since it was a tiring day and it was very late, but Jennie laid wide awake, unable to fall asleep.

The fear and unknown overwhelmed her as she did not know what to do, and the thought of just going back to her dad and agreeing to his deal was starting to weigh a little heavier than the downside.

As long as Lisa lived, it was fine what happened. Jennie would rather be away from Lisa than not be able to ever see her again.

Lisa rolled around on the bed and Jennie quickly wrapped her arm around Lisa's waist to prevent her from rolling off the bed. Lisa moaned softly like a small kitten and Jennie turned to look at her. After a few seconds, Jennie's eyelids started to feel heavy as she soon fell asleep.

Soon enough, other known symptoms began to show up as well as the worst thing was not Lisa losing her memory now. On top of that, she was beginning to get a little crazy.

She would do really weird things that children would usually do, and afterwards, would forget all about it as if it had not happened.

It was a cold winter day, and the wind outside stopped anyone from stepping out. Jennie opened the door and saw Lisa walking in circles in the room, looking up at the ceiling in a daze, muttering something underneath her breath that Jennie could not understand.

Jennie knit her eyebrows together, realizing that the Trap had hit again, and she walked over to Lisa, grabbing onto her hand, "Honey."

Lisa continued to walk in a circle but she bumped into Jennie halfway through, and she looked at her in surprise, "Little Mandu, look! There are stars in the sky!" She said, pointing up at the ceiling which was a complete shade of black. Her eyes sparkled as her finger scanned the ceiling, almost as if she was pointing at the stars.

Lisa's voice was weirdly high, almost as if she was talking to a child. Jennie grabbed onto her finger and said gently, "Honey There are no stars."

Lisa looked up once again and when her eyes locked with the black ceiling, she suddenly furrowed her eyebrows together, looking around as if she had just woken up, "Hon What am I doing?"

Her voice had returned to its normal self and she looked at Jennie, "You are done with work?"

Jennie could not bear seeing Lisa like this and she nodded, "Yes Honey. Come on, let's go eat dinner."

Lisa grabbed onto Jennie's hand and together, they walked out of the room to eat dinner.

The days passed by like this one by one, nothing changing as Lisa's condition got worse slowly. On this day, Jennie was in her office going through some work very frustratedly.

She had been in the office for several hours already, and it was time for lunch. Jennie looked up at the clock, confused on why Lisa did not come in to tell her to go eat lunch today. Jennie waved off the worker and left the office, going to the bedroom to look for Lisa, thinking that she might have gone crazy again.

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