Chapter Twenty-one

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"I came here to tell you something important but I guess you want it this way! I hate you, Ekaterina!"

"I hate you too Beatrice!" Katya was out of breath, sweating, and freaking out internally. Brian was home, Trixie was screaming, she was too. Trixie walked away from her window, leaving Katya alone. She heard someone clapping behind her. Fuck.

"Incredible!" Brian was standing in Katya's door frame, resting against it.

"I was telling her to go away!" Katya's voice broke.

"I told you to not talk to her!" He slammed Katya's desk. "I don't care what you say. You did this to yourself! You knew the consequences!"

"Brian please" Katya started crying while Brian grabbed Katya's arms and threw her on the bed.

"This is your fault kitten."


Trixie walked back home, She started crying. She was gonna give Katya another opportunity to talk. She didn't mind the first time, maybe Katya just felt bad and made mistakes. But this second time cleared a lot of things. Maybe Trixie didn't wanna accept the truth, maybe Katya did hate her, maybe Katya did want her gone. So she would give her that, if that was what made Katya happier then Trixie would give it to her. But there was also a part of Trixie hoping that when she's gone Katya will realize what mistake she did and call her back. But if it were to call her right now Trixie wouldn't answer, she was mad at Katya. Trixie had been so vulnerable with her, and Katya took that and used it against her? Asshole move. There was no excuse for such behavior. Talking about her mother like that, Calling her Beatrice. Katya was crossing multiple lines. Trixie wasn't the one to take disrespect lightly and to forgive easily, and even less for a person who she trusts so much. Trixie stopped and walked to the front door of the house, opening it.

"It was time you arrived" Her mother was folding clothes.

"Why are you folding clothes?"

"We leave tomorrow, to your aunt's house in Ohio."

"Where did you get the money from?" Trixie was confused

"Alex forgot some savings here and I grabbed a bit of your savings. Not a lot tho"

"Do you not have savings? or did you waste it on that 6 pack over there?" Trixie pointed to the table where the cans were sitting at.

"Shut up Trixie, go get your stuff together. Hurry up!" Her mom said and Trixie obliged, going upstairs.

After all, Trixie didn't have any other choice, and of course, she was sad. But thing's with Katya wasn't going well and she wasn't as close with Katya's friends. In Ohio, she would get a new start, and hopefully a long one. She was close to being 18 anyway, she would get a job while she went to university and find somewhere to stay. Trixie would figure it out, she just needed to leave everything in the past. She blocked Katya and sent Violet, Bob, and Adore a text before blocking them. 

My mom and I are moving, we're bankrupt. See you somewhere in the future. Love Trixie <3

Trixie tried to not tear up, she had to be strong. She took a big breath and started packing, they'll be leaving in the morning.


Katya was alone in her bed, naked. Crying covering herself with her bed covers, shivering from shock. Katya was lost. She was heartbroken. She felt like her old self again. What a way to celebrate her birthday. 
She needed to talk to someone, someone who would console and hold her if needed. She couldn't handle this anymore. She grabbed her phone after days of not opening it. She went through her messages, a few happy birthdays and one of them said Fuck off. It was Trixie's chat. Katya opened it, tearing up. It was filled with are you okay's and worry. Katya cried, she felt so useless. She had been used and she fucked Trixie over like it's nothing. She went through her contacts again, clocking on one of them.


"I fucked up Bob" Katya whispered.

"I don't understand"

"I say things, I don't mean them."

"What's going on, do you want me to go to your house?"

"No! no, please don't do that." Katya said as the images flashed through her mind.

"Okay, okay."

"Bob I shouldn't be talking to you." Katya looked at her door while she whispered. "He will come back, I don't want him to come back"

"Who's he?"

"I can't say that Bob" Katya cried "Im scared Bob. Im so scared"

"Can't you text me?"

"He checks my phone."

"Tomorrow look into your locker, I'll leave something there. Whatever you're going through we'll get you out of this."

"I don't know if you can."

"I'll try kitten, I love you" Katya flinched at the word.

"I love you too but, don't call me kitten anymore, please."

"Got it, bye Katya"

"Bye Bob."

Katya felt a bit better, so she went to her's and Trixie's conversations. She couldn't type, so she called.

"The number you're trying to call has blocked you"

"What?" Katya cut the call and tried again.

"The number you're trying to call has blocked you"

"Fuck off" Katya called again.

"The number you're trying to call has blocked you"

Katya threw the phone on the bed in frustration, she fucked up. Bob was only a temporal relief. Trixie still hated her, and Trixie isn't the one to forgive easily. Katya searched in her drawer for a clear bag.

How's the weather?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ