"Niall, I'm only gonna say this once." I put a hand on his chest. "I'm. Not. Hanging. Out. With. Cuh-laire. There's no way in hell, I'm gonna voluntarily go out and spend time with that witch." I sarcastically smiled at him.

Niall frowned at me. "Please. Maybe if you talk to her, she'll stop being so... so..."

"No." I said.



"Pretty please?"

"No." I said again.

A cheeky grin spread across his face. He reached over to me quickly and started tickling me. I imediately started laughing and begging him  to stop. "NIALL, STOP!" I said through my giggles.

"No! Not until you say you'll hang out with Claire!" He yelled back, still ferouciously tickling me.

"NO, I WON'T DO IT!" I said. My eyes were squeezed shut, but tears were still rolling down. He suddenly flipped us over so he was over top of me, holding me down and still tickling me. "PLEASE, NIALL STOP I CAN'T BREATHE!" I managed to choke out over the laughter.

"Say you'll hang out with her!" He said, clearly amused.

"FINE OKAY." I said. As soon as the words left my mouth, he stopped. 

"That's better." He said. He wiped the tears from my face and chuckled at me. He came down slowly and left a small kiss on my lips.

"You're such a bully." I sneered at him.

He threw his head back and laughed, still on top of me. "Really? I thought you liked it."

"You thought wrong." I said.

"You're lying," He said.

I cracked a smile. "I am." He leaned down and kissed me on the lips again. I smiled into the kiss. He started leaving kisses all down my jaw, that lead onto my neck. I closed my eyes and laid my head back to give him room.

I put my hands up around his neck and slid my fingers through his hair. He worked on one spot on my neck. I felt his warm toungue slid across my skin. He nibbled and sucked on my neck, until a soft moan escaped my mouth. 

I felt his lips curl up into a smile. He brought his face back to mine and I smiled too. "You have a phone call to be making."

My smile dropped. "Yeah, whatever." I rolled my eyes.

He got off of me and we both sat up. I ran my fingers through my hair and gave Niall one more kiss  before I got up to go call Claire. This actually wouldn't be hard because Claire thought everyone loved her. Especially me. I think it was because I was the most polite to her, except for Liam, and because I always stuck up for her when Niall would tell her about herself.

I walked into the kitchen and picked up the house phone and dialed her number. It rang about three times, before her happy, but shrill voice answered. "Heh-looo?" She said in a sing-songy voice.

"Hi, Claire, it's Bailie."

"Oh, hi Bailie." She said. I knew she was thinking about last night, and I felt so bad. But I knew she'd do something before we hung up to make me feel the opposite so I wasn't worried about it.

"Listen, I know last night was rough, but that's why I was wondering if you'd like to go out for like coffee or something today? I think we should talk."

"You wanna hang out with me?" She snorted. "You don't think I'm stuck up like Niall does?"

"Actually I-" I stopped myself. I was about to tell her off. But I was gonna save it for when we went out today. I was gonna tell her why everyone hates her. "No, I don't Claire. But you can be and that's kind of what we need to talk about."

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