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A few months later...

Football season was already coming to a close, which George was so grateful for. It eased into the winter months, which made a significant difference from summer since they were hitting the 80 degree mark, versus the 110-120 degree weather.

It was the semifinals, so after this was finally going to be the finals, which would take place against SBI Private Institution, their rivals for the past 14 years.

To say that the Florida boys weren't pumped would be a definite lie, as they fired themselves up for this semifinal game, screaming in faces, slapping asses, and pretending to make-out with their fake girlish moans.

"Hey, George?" In midst of all of the chaos, Alex looked somewhat pissed off, seemingly looking around for something.

Or someone.

"Alex? What's up?"

"Nothing, have you seen Karl or Nick? I've been looking for them because Karl couldn't find his notebook, but I found it."

"Ah, well, I'll let you know if I see them."

"Yeah... Karl can be a very forgetful person sometimes... I bet he probably doesn't even remember what he ate for breakfast this morning," Alex laughs. A fond laugh, that almost made George jealous of whatever relationship Alex had with Karl.

The fondness that was always unfamiliar to George. The fondness that he could never find outside of home, outside of his games and outside of his room. Something that George never experienced in a real world setting, due to feeling rejected by the world. He's felt rejected to the point where he chose to turn tables, and reject the world instead.

It's better to be alone anyways. Less heartbreak. Less pain. More time to yourself. George always loved time by himself. It was so quiet, and peaceful. However, having someone else laugh fondly about the thought of you, or about the memories of you, would still be nice.

Only one other person laughed about George like that.

He didn't have enough time to be reminiscing about his life, though. He needed to get out of that musty ass locker room. George finally escapes the nasty smell to hide himself in the bathroom before the game started, only to find even a greater surprise and real moaning.

He ended up finding Nick and Karl, much to his own surprise, who were desperately grabbing at each other, their lips connected as if they were both trying to ravage each other of everything they had. Just as soon as George peeked in though, Nick got off of Karl glaring at George.

"You saw nothing, yeah??" It was almost like he attempted to hide Karl, as he looked slightly embarrassed.

"Chill, nothing benefits me if I tell anyone. Besides, I could care less." George just shrugs, a confused complexion on Nick's face.

George just walked away, slightly disgusted about the kissing, not necessarily too affected by the gender though. He could care less, it's just annoying as fuck when you see people eating each other's faces left and right.

Things took a turn for the worse though because Nick ran right after George, holding him by the collar. "If you tell anyone I swear I'll rip your fucking testicles out."

"I already said I wasn't going to tell anyone!" George tried getting out of Nick's grip, but it was a complete noodle arm versus a jock, and as stereotypical as it is, it's very obvious who's stronger.

"You better not! I swear I'll-..." Nick held onto George's collar tighter, pulling him closer in a threatening way.

George felt himself get pulled away from another direction, and he knew he was dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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