Valeria Sideris (Hecatoncheire OC) (modern-day Greek mythology OC)

Start from the beginning

Personality: Valeria may be difficult to get a read on at first, because she's put up so many walls and is often on some dark assignment from the Furies, requiring her to blend in and hide herself. She is also cautious and alert, as a result of her childhood as a homeless nomad and the necessities required by her work. On the surface level she may seem cold, cynical, and stern, with a touch of classy sass. Deep down, however, she wishes to be the proud, honourable and noble spirit that she knows her father and uncles were, but her current situation is preventing her from being. She's also scared of herself to a degree, and scared of who she is becoming as a result of the work she is doing for the Furies. It could also be said that Valeria suffers from Imposter Syndrome to a degree, as she does not believe herself deserving of praise or other accolades because of how many things she's had to do that she's not proud of over the course of her life. She doesn't believe herself worthy of her father's legacy and although she is proud to be the last of the Hecatonchieres and wouldn't change what she is in spite of the difficulties it has caused her, she is ashamed of how her life has turned out and feels that she and her actions are an injustice and a blight to the race of the Hundred-Handed Ones. She wants to be worthy of her duty and heritage, and to be the kind of being who could stand with the Olympians and hold her own against the Titans should a second Titanomachy ever occur, just as the other three Hecatonchieres did in the first. But even if she did attain the power required, in her current state she would deem himself unworthy of it and a poor substitute for any of her three predecessors.
Another reason for her feelings of inadequacy is that she suffers from caelophobia (fear of the sky) due to the fact that Ouranos (aka the Sky) imprisoned the Hecatoncheires (who were his children) in Tartarus; she is not afraid of heights (for example she has no issue with being on a ladder or hanging from a ceiling indoors), but will avoid flying or even looking at the sky if she can avoid it, as though not wanting to risk drawing her paternal grandfather's attention in spite of the fact that Ouranos seems to be dormant. She very much prefers to be on terra firma; after all, unlike their father Ouranos, their mother Gaea loved the Hecatoncheires. She has no issue going outside because she feels safe so long as she is standing on the Earth (aka Gaea) but will balk at the idea of losing contact with it.

Should you get to know Valeria you will come to know her as an honourable person deep down, for even though she has had to do dishonourable things, it would take a certain degree of honour to recognise such actions as dishonourable and to want to be able to change, would it not? She wants to be a hero and an ally to the Olympians, but in her current position she cannot, yet she will still do what she can should trouble arise. She can see no other way to repent for her mistakes, after all, even as she does not recognise that she is an honourable being and motivated by a desire to do good and protect the world and its order in and of itself, not just by a need to clear her conscience and make up for her and the Furies' actions. She does not recognise that she does indeed have a sense of justice; as far as she knows she *doesn't* agree with the Furies' philosophy in this regard but would struggle to define her own if asked, yet outsiders would see that it is clearly there.

Powers/abilities: Valeria can switch between 50 various faces (her eyes stay the same and she cannot change individual features; her voice does not change either). If her emotions are particularly strong her face will shift without her doing it consciously/deliberately, however.
She is stronger than a human (though the hands bound in Stygian chains have less strength than those that are free).
She is immortal.
She can breathe underwater (however this face has not occurred to her yet; it would have saved her a lot of trouble otherwise).
When she is older-*much, much* older-she will be even stronger and will be able to assume a gigantic form just as her father and his brothers did when they battled the Titans during the Titanomachy. It will take centuries before this is possible however.
The blood of a primordial being is sacred and thus, when ingested by (or injected into) another being, it will have some... unpleasant effects. Any person or creature that consumes the blood of a Hundred-Handed One will become corrupted and will lose their mind, and mangled, deformed hands will emerge all over their body, uncontrollably and seemingly with minds of their own. The unfortunate being will essentially become a mindless, mutated monster regardless of what they started out as (gods/other deities may be the only beings immune to this but consuming the Hecatonchiere blood still may make them feel unwell/weak).

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