Ray looked done and spotted some new-looking footprints.

"Right, really?" Ray questioned.

"No, left." Chuuya said making Y/n giggle.

"Damn, you-"

'Not easy to fool them either. Maybe they don't know much, but it's- enough to pick up on my lies. I see so they do have capability no wonder Y/n and Isabelle wanted them alive ' Chuuya thought

"Nice catch, Ray!" Y/n said.

"Yeah!!I didn't spot it." Emma said while backing up Y/n's statement. 

"Thanks." Ray replied.

Emma stopped so Ray asked, "What's the matter, Emma?"

"Don't you feel it?" She asked. The ground started shaking and Y/n cocked her gun.

Suddenly, a demon that was extremely large compared to Emma jumped up from behind her.


Emma was unmoving in shock so Y/n shoved her and herself away. There was rapid gunfire from Y/n's gun, directed at the demon.

"EMMA!" Ray exclaimed as he held onto her shoulders.

"Eh? I'm...I'm alive...?!" Emma said in surprise.

"HUH?!" Ray angrily said, shaking her.

"Thought you were dead, didn't you?" Chuuya questioned. 

"You died for real right now, brat. Couldn't even pull the trigger in time."

"HEY YOU ARE A BRAT TOO!!" Ray yelled

"HAH? I'M MORE EXPERICENDED THAN YOU, YOU PUNK!!!" Chuuya reverted making Y/n laugh.

"Man, that was funny. Guess you've never seen man-eaters who come from above, huh? There's a bunch in this area." Y/n said ."But...Thank you, Y/n! You...You saved us..." Emma smiled.

"Right, let's move on before the rest of its pack finds the body here." Ray said.

"No she/I didn't" Chuuya and Y/n said in unison.

"What?" The other two questioned, turning to them.

"No one's saved. Man-eaters don't die that easily." Chuuya said.


"They rise again very fast... It'll call the others now." Y/n said

The demon let out a loud ear-piercing scream. The four of them started running from the demons.

"You suicidal idiot! If it's not dead, say something!" Ray yelled.

"It was on purpose." Y/n replied.


"I didn't kill it and kept quiet on purpose to have fun with you and test your capabilities." Y/n admitted. 

"You crafty bastard" Chuuya said with a sigh as Ray sighed in frustration.

"It's alright. It's alright. I am not dying here. But you two...bit of a pinch, innit? You messed with their meal and attacked one of the pack...." Chuuya said

"They're pretty pissed off. This is even more terrifying than just letting them call the band!" Y/n said as she gave a high five to Chuuya.

"YOU GODDAMN JERKS" Ray angrily said.

"This is just the first stop in your journey to hell. Your lives are ours to play with now." Chuuya grinned. 

"Well then, guys. Let's see you try to survive this." Y/n said.

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