NINE: Very Little Aubrey! & Awkward Facetime?!

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"No," I answer, shaking my head at the same time. "If she's held back this long, then no. She said she has two best friends that live back in Baltimore, but she didn't talk about anyone else honey, it's just them and her."

(Time 9:44 p.m.)

Dr. Sarah Evans Pierce's (POV)

"How little are you, baby girl?" I ask little Aubrey, as I'm rubbing her back. "Do you know what I'm asking sweetie?"

She stares up at me, blinking slowly, but settles for just smiling then reaching up to play with my hair.

"You are super tiny, huh sweetheart?"

A sudden thought causes me to sigh, before I look at Margaret. "Do we also have any protections from when they were down?"

"What?" she asks, scrunching up her face in question.

"Pull Ups or diapers?" I say, motioning to Aubrey.

"Oh, you had me confused!" she laughs. "Yeah, there are some in the guest room closet. Are you going to put one on her?"

"Well she obviously has to stay here tonight, we can't take her home while she's in her little space. So I'm concerned if she wets the bed and wakes up in her big space, she'll be really upset with herself," I explain.

"Are you going to put her in a diaper?" Margaret asks with some concern.

"I know love. It's not a decision I want to make without talking to her either, but this little one is really tiny. She might be for the rest of the night. I hate putting her in one, but she needs protection and it's better than her having an accident."

I watch my wife consider the situation, before she sighs and nods her head. "I'll get a diaper and powder. I think it's best that you put it on her alone though. In a sense this is a clinical decision being made to protect her, and you're a Doctor. Is that okay?"

"Okay baby. That sounds fair," I agree, before giving her a kiss which helps to reassure us both.

Margaret smiles and leaves to get what we need. I look back down at Aubrey and start to play with her hair, as she is doing with mine.

"You're feeling so much better now, huh baby? I know being big is a lot and you holding back your little self for so long is so strong of you, but I'm glad you let yourself relax with us. You must have been struggling for so long honey."

She smiles behind her paci, which turns into a yawn. Every time I look at her she just gets so much cuter! I hug Aubrey to me and hum a little tune, patting her bottom in time, while I wait for Margaret to return.

"Got it baby," my wife says quietly.

"Right on time, she's getting sleepy."

"It's getting late, so I'm not surprised," Margaret adds, while gazing down at Aubrey.

I nod myself and join my wife in quietly watching the baby in my arms. She's completely out, quietly snoring.

"Oh you are just a precious angel, aren't you?" I coo at her.

Margaret readies the diaper and powder, a quiet push for me to start the process.

"You think she'll be okay in the guest room next to us?"

"Yeah, we can leave the door open just in case she wakes up.," Margaret reassures me. "I'll go on up and get the bed ready. I'll see you two beauty's up there, yeah?"

I nod without looking away from Aubrey, who I gently lay on the couch, as Margaret leaves the room. Aubrey whimpers but settles down quickly by sucking her paci, so I get her out of her undies and into the diaper quickly, making sure the powder is rubbed into her skin and that the diaper is not too tight or too loose.

THEY ARE MY LIGHT. (MDLG Story.)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt