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TW// subtle mentions of self harm, suicide attempts and rape.

M"Potter was spotted!" Ivy called from the kitchen "Iris! He was spotted, Ruby just sent me" she continued as I made my way down the hallway to meet her.

"When? Where?" I asked and she smiled "just now at hogsmeade why—no, youre not leaving, Malfoy will literally kill you" she hissed keeping her voice down as the blonde was upstairs.

I rolled my eyes leaning against the counter as the girl sighed clearly annoyed.

She knew I wouldn't listen "Iris, its not a good idea, you know the chances death eaters will be there and you're still wanted by them" she said and I sighed.

"I haven't talked to Draco yet but I'm thinking of getting the mark, to get them off my back" I said as two arms wrapped around my neck "you're fucking insane my love if you think I'm letting you do that" the boy said into my ear.

"truly insane," he hushed, kissing the side of my head making my cheeks burn red "especially if you think it'll get them off your back, princess" he continued.

I knew Ivy agreed by the way she looked at me

I pushed Draco's arms off me and looked at the two of them "I am sick of feeling like I'm being hunted like a wild animal" I snapped "and I'm sick of hiding because you guys act like I haven't seen death before when I watched both my parents and my best friend, my cousin get killed right infront of me"

"Hey hey hey, calm down for a minute" the blonde calmly said "we're trying to protect you Aster, we know you've seen death we know and we know you're fucking fragile, you break so easily and its fucking scary I can't handle it"

I closed my mouth processing what the blonde had said as he did the same.

"Then don't be with me, you knew what you were getting into that day at the lake and you could have left" I tried not to cry, I held back my tears "I get you love me but if you can't handle me then leave" I told him as I stepped back from him.

"Iris thats not-"

I didn't let him finish before I ran off to my room locking the door behind me.

I slid down the door, throwing my head back against it as Draco knocked softly "Iris" I closed my eyes at his voice as the tears fell from my eyes "Iris let me explain"

"Go away Draco" I begged as I brought my knees to my chest, I heard his first hit the door lightly "Iris, love please I didn't mean it like that" I didn't respond.

"I'm sorry" I could hear his voice crack, he was crying and crying so hard that he couldn't hide it in this voice "Iris please I'm sorry"

"I didn't mean it like that. . . I love you, you know that and I can't handle to see you get hurt anymore, I can't watch you hurt yourself anymore" he tried so hard to not break but of course, he failed.

"you don't understand how scary it is to watch the person you love the most break more and more everyday, to have to bring them back to life and not know if this is it" he continued.

"I do, I do know how it feels to watch them break more and more everyday Draco, I've watched you do that since 6th year, I've had to wake up to your screams because of your nightmares getting so bad, I watched you almost die infront of me and I didn't know what to do" I told him "so don't tell me I don't understand when I do"

Silence, there was silence and nothing else as I got off the door to change, I grabbed my wand, turning its end into a blade and walking ip to the mirror.

My hair was long, falling almost to the center of my back as I lifted the edge of my wand to my hair, cutting it.

Now, my hair fell above my shoulders and I sighed casting a spell to clean up my mess before unlocking the door.

"I love you Draco and I'm sorry" I whispered as the door opened and I apparated away, leaving him alone in our room.


I somehow had apparated into the room of requirement, not long after the trio had shown up, I knew by the way no one had noticed me till Harry did, shooting me a smile "Iris"

It was clear that I wasn't welcome at first when I walked through the painting and saw the way I was being looked at by what I could only assume was Dumbledore's Army by the way no slytherins were present.

So I waved awkwardly waiting for someone to break the silence, I wasn't liked by many of the people present because of my association with the Malfoy family.

"what are you doing here?" Someone yelled and I sighed knowing no one would believe me "I came to help, when I heard Harry had been spotted I knew it wouldn't be long before death eaters heard and came running straight here" I tried to explain as I walked down the steps and almost immediately had Harry giving me a warm hug.

"If you've heard then so has Malfoy and we all know that your boyfriend a death eater" Dean said and almost immediately after before I could even speak, Ginny had walked in informing us all that Snape knew of Harry's spotting.

I chose to stay in the room of requirement with some of the former students whos presense was unknown to the headmaster.

None of them talked to me, instead they glared at me as I let my head fall back against the wall behind me.

I thought back on the argument Draco and I had before I left, I was unsure if we had broken up or not and it was just now settling in again for me.

There were eyes on me the minute I walked in, I didn't blame them either especially because of my association with the dark lord.

but a certain pair of eyes burned into me and I couldn't help but look, regretting it almost instantly.

Meeting his eyes, I felt my anxiety spike and as he got closer I felt myself unable to move "get away from me" I hissed as he chuckled lifting his brows "wheres your little boyfriend Fay? finally leave you after realizing how much of a whore you are?"

I stood up leveling my eyes with his before punching him in the nose causing him to fall onto the ground below, eyes were on me, but no one stopped me, not even cho chang tried.

I held him down, stepping on his chest after kicking his wand away, hiding the fact that my anxiety was at a high "I will not hesitate to fucking murder you Mclaggen" I threatened and I saw his eyes fill with fear.

"If I don't then my boyfriend will" I continued, my wand now pointed at him and he froze with fear "thats a promise" I hissed through my teeth and I could tell that he had given up.

"Now get the fuck away from me and the rest of the women in this room before I ruin your life like you did mine" I moved my foot off him, as he scrambled to get his wand and ran out of the room.

A few seconds later applause had erupted from around me, I turned seeing at least half the girls standing.

It was then I realized that Ivy and I weren't his only victims, that we weren't alone and that Cho Chang was one of them.

Suddenly I knew why no one stopped me, suddenly I processed what I did and I smiled, proud that I had finally done the thing I had wanted to do for months.

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