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I've been at the Meadows for a week which means that Christmas is now only a few days away.

Their home smelled like Cinnamon Pinecones and Peppermint, it always did and I think thats why I loved it so much there, it was warm and felt like home.

Especially when you're wrapped up in a blanket with a cup of peppermint hot chocolate watching 6 year old Jade and Jet Meadows running around singing Christmas songs.

Their golden blonde hair bouncing around in their pigtails and braids making me smile softly when Ruby walked in handing me a black envelope.

I quickly placed my cup down grabbing it to look at it gently as she sat down next to me "who is it from?" She asked clearly knowing the answer to that as I ran my thumb across the green wax keeping it closed.

"Draco" I said as I opened it taking out the letter inside opening it with a smile on my face.


I told you I would write you and I think I've re-written this letter at least 5 times so forgive me for taking this long to write you.

That being said, I heard that you and your aunt got into an argument so you're staying with Ruby, I'm sorry you're break isn't going as you hoped and I hope Ruby is making it better since I can't through a letter.

I hope you're feeling better now

and if you were wondering how my break is going, its going pretty well especially with getting away from Crabbe and Goyle; they're annoying me right now.

My mother has been asking about you alot over break and I think she likes you more than she likes me and she hasn't met you.

I don't really blame her though, you're amazing and I'm serious you're really amazing.

One more thing before I go;
I Miss you

- D. Malfoy

I smiled feeling my cheeks heat up slightly before leaning my head over onto Ruby's shoulder as she began teasing me grabbing the letter from my hand and reading it outloud.

I covered my face with my hands and fell back against the couch listening to my best friend aww-ing over the letter before placing it down and I could feel the small smirk on her face as she stared at me.

I peeked through my fingers seeing her smiling like an idiot "he misses you~" she sang teasingly removing my hands from my face laughing when she saw how red it was.

Suddenly her eyes lit up and she stood up quickly "I have an idea I'll be right back" she blurted suddenly before running out of the room leaving me confused and flustered.

She left the letter though as I took it back into my hand and re-reading it over and over again with a smile

"he misses me" I whispered to myself not realizing that my cousin was standing in the doorway with a knowing smile on her face as she spoke up "judging by the smile on your face you're lover sent you a letter" I shot my head over to the doorway as she walked towards me plopping down next to me placing her head on my lap.

I rolled my eyes keeping the smile on my face as she grabbed the letter from my hands "he's not my lover Destiny" I groaned loudly as she read the letter smiling completely ignoring what I just said.

I heard her awe loudly and look up at me "this is really cute Iris" she said looking up at me happily as I shook my head letting my head rest on the back of the couch.

I let a loud sigh leave my lips as the guilt of running away finally started to set in "we left without any warning she doesn't even know we're here" I mumbled sadly biting down on my lip as I took a deep breath.

"She never really cared about us you know that plus now we don't have to ask if we can go to the new years party Ruby holds every year" she said softly as an attempt to make me feel better, I pressed my tounge against the inside of my cheek.

"I mean— you have a good point" I chuckled sitting up straight and looking over as Ruby walked in with a smirk on her face telling me she did something and she wouldn't tell me what it was.

"What did you do?"

"A suprise"

Her Eyes || Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now