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Christmas came and went like a flash now we were preparing for a Ruby's new years party that was tomorrow.

Which isn't really a party but more or less just a get together with our friends that we've held every year since we were like 6.

A tradition started by my mother and her parents that we've carried on to give us something to look forward to.

We usually stayed up watching movies till counting down the minutes to a new the better year ahead.

"Who's all coming" I asked Ruby as she walked into the kitchen where I was "um besides us, Ivy will be here tonight, Blaise, Theo and Pansy will show up tomorrow morning I think" she told me when a loud yell was heard through the house.

"Okay nevermind she's here now" she chuckled as Ivy skipped her way into the room stopping infront of me when her eyes landed on my neck "Merlins Beard you were right that is a nasty bruise" Ivy hissed as she walked towards me placing her hand on my neck softly.

I flinched slightly at the feeling of her cold fingers against my neck "you didn't deserve this" she whispered as she inspected the bruise "it looks like it's healed alot though I'll cover it up tomorrow for you so the boys don't try to beat up your aunt, god knows they'd fail" she joked making all 3 of us burst into laughter.

"It would be funny to watch though " I chuckled leaning against the counter glancing down letting my expression fall as I sighed "my mum never liked my aunt, I just wish she was still alive" I said under my breath as I turned around walking away.

"I swear she just acts like shes sweet until something doesn't go her way then she becomes a bitch" I mocked as I sat down placing my chin on the table infront of me.

I tapped my fingers on the table sighing loudly as I looked at the girls infront of me who had sad smiles on their faces "we miss your mother too" Ivy said sadly as she walked towards me slowly placing her hand on my back as she looked down at me.

"She wouldn't have cared that Draco is a Malfoy and she definitely wouldn't have let my aunt lay a finger on me like she did" I continued earning a giggle from Ruby.

"Awe sounds like someone misses her dearest Draco Malfoy" Ruby teased making me roll my eyes and sit up "I do not miss him" I denied, though not telling the truth because I did miss him.

Ruby laughed tilting her head with a smirk on her face "really? because just the other day you were telling Destiny and I about how you miss him so much" she continued making my face turn red and look over at Ivy.

"Okay fine I miss him a little bit" I admited looking down in embarrassment as the two girls started laughing and aww-ing.

"Only a little bit?" Ivy asked sarcastically as I shot her a glare answering her question as she laughed even more and I rolled my eyes again.

"Well you'll get to see your precious boyfriend in just under a week" Ruby said as she walked towards us taking a seat directly infront of me.

"He isn't my boyfriend"

"Not officially"


Theo and Pansy both arrived through floo powder only 5 minutes apart from eachother and right now we were waiting on Blaise to find his way to us.

All of us sat in Ruby's room talking about our break as I silently thanked Ivy for covering up the bruise my aunt gave me on my neck.

I had a book in my lap as I leaned my head back against the headboard of the bed I sat on with my eyes closed taking in the loud room before opening one eye and getting up and telling them I was going to get myself some water.

I walked through the empty hallway as their muffled laughter got quieter and quieter as I slowly approached the kitchen.

The minute I walked into the kitchen I heard someone enter the house using the floo network, assuming it was Blaise I placed down the cup in my hand.

"They're in Rubys room!" I called out but got no response as I poured myself my water drinking it before placing the empty cup into the sink and heading back to the room.

I heard footsteps behind me but decided to dismiss it as I reached to grab the door handle but instead stopped when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist loosey making me turn around "oh my god" I smiled upon seeing the blonde boy before jumping up and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I missed you" he whispered as I hugged him tighter making him chuckle as I replied "I missed you too" I removed my arms from his neck smiling at him "I didn't know you would be here" I told him making him smile and wink as he pulled me into another hug when the door behind us opened.

I heard someone awe loudly from behind me making me jump and turn around.

My eyes met the ones of a smiling Ivy Wolfe as she sighed shaking her head "Draco's here" she said as she turned around opening the door even more stepping to the side while Draco dropped his arms allowing me to walk in infront of him.

I say down where I was previously though this time Draco sat next to me allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder softly without thinking about it.

Destiny looked back at me from where she was sitting giving me a happy smile as she flicked her eyes between the blonde and I as she tried her best to not say anything about the position we were in.

Then Blaise walked in greeting everyone when Ruby suggested we go to the livingroom since her parents and sisters won't be back till tonight.

As we walked into the livingroom I was pulled onto the couch by Draco. His arms wrapped around me as I now sat on his lap and a faint blush covered my cheeks.

I moved back so that I was more comfortable allowing him to put his chin on my shoulder "hey" he quietly said as I looked at him, our faces inches away from eachother.

I smiled bringing a hand to his cheek lightly before responding "hey" I kept my voice at a whisper making him smile as I looked forward at Ivy who was smiling at us.

"You two make me feel single"

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