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"Stay behind Iris, I want to talk" Draco pulled me back down onto the seat before telling Ruby and Pansy to go on without us.

There was a pit in my stomach as we sat in silence waiting for the train car to be completely empty before he looked at me.

"Iris there's something you should know.." he started and I felt a lump in my throat start to grow as I feared the worst.

He turned, placing his arm on the back of the seat and placing his hand onto my thigh before he looked up narrowing his eyes slightly causing me to copy his actions.

The bag above up, shifted slightly and Draco cursed pulling me from the seat grabbing his bag and in a matter of only a few seconds it was revealed someone else, an unwanted someone, had been ease dropping.

Harry laid petrified on the ground, Draco moved infront of me with the invisiblity cloak in hand.

"Iris- let me have a word with Potter alone" he said lowly and I nodded, kissing the blonde's cheek knowing that whatever he was going to do I couldn't stop him.

"I'll meet you on the platform, okay?" He said as he closed the train car door and shooting me a smile.

I waited and it wasn't long before he was next to me again, throwing his arm over my shoulder then kissing the side of my head.

"You wanted to tell me something, eariler?" I tilted my head back to look at him and he smiled pressing his lips in my forehead.

"Don't worry about it, I'll tell you another time" he kissed me softly on the lips making me smile softly "I promise"


Pansy smuggled alcohol into the school as we all now sat in our dorm room with the boys, my back against Draco's chest as I poured whatever was in my red cup down my throat.

A mini birthday celebration, my main goal, to get so drunk that I couldn't remember whay happened on my 7th birthday.

Clearly Pansy and Ruby were to drunk to even think as they started making out after only an hour and a half.

I knew we'd regret this tomorrow in class but I could care less as Draco pulled me closer to his body and kissed my cheek.

His intentions were nothing but sweet with me, especially now when I was to drunk to think straight and my friends were to drunk to act straight.

The smell of alcohol was strong on Draco's breath and his arm slung across my chest when I took his cup from his hand, taking a sip.

Thats when Ivy, with tears in her eyes jumped up suggesting we play a game of truth or dare and with alcohol pumping through my vains I agreed knowing this could possibly expose our deepest secrets.

5 rounds in the questions and dares were already getting... interesting when it reached me making it my turn.

I smiled at Theo when the question left his lips so carelessly "truth or dare" I already knew whatever question he was going to ask or whatever dare he was going to request as he gave Draco a dumb smile.


The room fell silent and Theodore's eyes lit up before smirking "okay I know we're all wondering this- if not I'm jusy a pervert- have you two you know?" his words were slurred together as he did a perverted hand gestures while laughing when a pillow collided with the side of his head.

I didn't have to answer as Draco did for me "more than once" I felt my face turn red as the blonde behind me chuckled holding me while our friends began teasing us.

He kissed my forehead, he was drunk and he didn't think about what he said, which was okay with me because I almost said the same thing.

I looked at him and he smiled stupidly, somehow in someway everything around me seemed to blur out and it was only him.

I let him bring his mouth to mine and I felt sober for a moment as his lips moved against mine and his hand that rested on my cheek twitched slightly.

He tasted like whiskey and I smiled against his lips when suddenly a pillow hit us causing us to break apart.

I leaned my head back looking in the direction of where the pillow came from "can you two not make out infront of us? Not all of us are in relationships" Blaise groaned as he rolled off Ivy's bed.

"Not all of us are single Blaise" Ruby confessed, downing the bottle of
Whiskey as it was taken out of her hand by Pansy who smacked her arm.

"Some of us have girlfriends! or boyfriends" she continued and everyone fell quiet when the realization that Ruby just outed herself and Pansy to everyone.

I can't say I was suprised and Draco definitely wasn't either but what shocked everyone most was when Ivy suddenly stood up and left the room.

Everyone looked at Blaise who was without a doubt the most sober person in the room so when he got up he shot a look at me for me to come with him despite my drunken state.

Somehow I ended up with two cups of water in my hand which I handed to Blaise, I sat back, observing and Blaise seemed to have forgotten I was there when Ivy started speaking.

"Tell me Blaise—how bad does it hurt when you see your best friend kiss the girl whos been in love with since we were kids" she said and I wondered who they were talking about.

"This isn't about me, when were you going to tell me you liked Pansy?" He asked but the comment seemed to have takem Ivy aback as she gave him a dumb look.

"I don't like Pansy" she paused looking over at Blaise for a second and I could see her face was stained with tears when she continued "It's Ruby"

My jaw dropped and I had to hold myself up as I stumbled trying to make sure they didn't hear me.

"So you like girls" Blaise asked and Ivy let a dry laugh leave her lips, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I like both guys and girls actually and I'm suprised its taken this long for any of you... let alone you to realize" she said before bringing her eyes back to the fire while Blaise just looked at her and admiration filled his eyes.

"To answer your question, seeing her with him, seeing her smile when shes with him, it hurts because I wish I was in his footsteps but shes in love with him and him just as much, when I saw Iris genuinely smile for the first time it was when she was with him god as happy as that made me it hurt because I would never be her reason to smile as bright as she does with him"

I felt a tear fall down my cheek as I couldn't breathe anymore hearing his words, his unintentional confession to me as he spoke to Ivy because it was then I realized how stupid and blind I was to not see that he liked me.

I couldn't bare to listen anymore as I turned around to walk away and back into the room to drink more but I stopped when I heard him continue.

"He loves her so much, he'd die before he let someone hurt her and I think he'd kill himself if he let anything happen to her"

"She's in good hands Blaise"

I turned around seeing him look back at me for a second and flashing me a smile.

"I know she is"

Her Eyes || Draco MalfoyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant