Chapter 3: The cave

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Chapter 3: The Cave

My head ached, and so did the rest of my body. I cracked an eyelid open trying to figure out where the heck I was; the last thing I remembered was falling when the earth gave away. No more burritos for me...

I groaned in pain and tried remembering what I had learned while helping out in our local hospital back home when I wanted to become a doctor, the last summer. Check for internal bleeding so stay put, flashed from my memory to the nurse man in the emergency room, and for some wicked reason flashes of mutilated bodies came crashing to my mind....No, Esther; panicking won't solve your problems I remembered to myself. I clenched and unclenched my toes and worked my way up, trying to figure out whether or not I had any broken bones, fortunately I was all right. Luck was on my side and I had landed on a mossy patch of fluffy earth. The light that had blinded me came from the whole where I had fallen and there a worried Jess poked his head.

 -"Oh, god!-He answered-"Fuck, Esther don't ever do that again"

-"Wasn't planning on it"-I answered to his lovely grunt, his voice was gruff which led me to believe he really had been worried.

-"Cain went just now to ask for help to our tutor"-He said, his voice making echo in the whole.

 I sat carefully and breathed deeply and almost chocked on the salty air, the cave was old and seemed to be like a maze. Old merchants probably used to avoid paying tributes and things like that...Yeah, I actually listened to the tour guide. Heck the trip had cost me a pretty penny, might as well learn something.

-"Try and catch him, I would rather this be kept among us. I'm fine. No broken bones, nor internal bleeding; just bruises and small cuts"-I noted out loud for his sake and mine, my shorts were definitely useless now, and my pale skin was dirty with mud and small patches of green from the moss. My black wool sweater didn't appear to be mauled but the roots of the ceiling of the cave nor did I feel any stings on my upper torso, so I knew the wool somehow had warded me off more cuts.

-"What are you talking about; you just fell on that freaking whole about twelve feet down there! You must have hit your head pretty bad..."-He was saying.

-"I heard that, and I am just fine, as I already told you just a few scratched nothing severe...Now, If you would only go and stop Cain before he blurts out that I fell in here, and just manage to bring me a rope, and my back..."-I was saying but my backpack had just rolled a few steps ahead of me-"Forget it, there it is...You go, find me a rope, and I'll be having my lunch in here."-I said standing up to go and get it.

-"Ok, if you are well enough to discuss, you are all right I guess"-He said-"Be careful down there, don't move too much out of the light, and for Pete sakes don't go in there all by yourself to explore. We don't want an encore of what just happened, don't we"-He taunted me letting me know he wouldn't forget to tease me after this incident.

-"All right"-I answered, lowering myself to raise my backpack and check for anything broken and another pair of pants or something to cover my legs. I didn't found another pair of sweats but I did found Cain's camera, from earlier when I had been mad at how furiously he was taking pictures to blind me.

I waited five minutes for the guys to be back trying to be a good girl but my curiosity got the best of me.The cave had different passages, some of which seemed human made, making my theory of pirates and corrupt merchant more believable.

 A sense of déjà vu flooded me, as if I had been here before;which, totally freaked me out, but far from staying put as told. I took out Cain's digital camera and started to the passage that seemed less harmless and wider, to walk in. Maybe I could find a way out without the rope to climb.I hated to climb the rope; P.E. million of excuses was enough prove of that.I started using the camera's flash to see where I was going and finally arrived to a human made alley that reeked blood and other less human's smells, making me gag.

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