Arslan World: Prologue

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Arslan stares out at the sea with sadness in his eyes. His company have already been inside the building after everything that has happened.

'Daryun once told me that beyond the walls of Ecbatana lies a great expanse of water. He called it the sea. Canna once told me that beyond her wildest dream that she wanted to share some moments with the sea. She called it a water dance. Narsus once told me that he wanted to draw the sea soon. Elam once told me that he wanted to make something out of the sea's water. Gieve once told me that he wanted to make a song after the sea. Farangis once told me that the djinn were the ones who protected the sea from evil. Alfarid once told me that the Zott clan never steal sea water from anywhere. Jaswant once told me that Sindhura's seas were the reason why his home had water. And I always wonder "What's beyond that?".'

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