Fullmetal Alchemist World: Prologue

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The sound of drawing can be heard while we see everything in the house, then it stopped. "That oughta do it. You ready?" Young Edward asked his younger brother Alphonse as he nodded his head scaredly. "Don't be scared, Al. Everything's perfect." Edward stated to him. Rain began starting outside of the house. "Let's go for it." He said to his brother. His brother nodded and both placed their hands on the circle. Then light began to brighten all over the room as the two brothers look on happily.

"Alchemy, the science of understanding the structure of matter, breaking it down, then reconstructing it as something else. It can even make gold from lead. But alchemy is a science, so it must follow the natural laws. To create, something of equal value must be lost. This is the principle of Equivalent Exchange."

Then the light began changing to purple and Ed looks at this.

"But on that night, I learn the value of some things can't be measured on a simple scale."

Then a scream can be heard throughout the small village as rain continues to fall. Roberta and Alice both hear that scream from inside the house. "What was that?" Alice asked her. But Roberta just stood there like nothing. "Don't tell me... Don't tell me that they did it." Roberta said clenching her fist.

"That was Edward!" A girl named Winry said running outside. "Wait, Winry. Look!" Her grandmother Pinako said as the two look on.

"My brother friends and I knew the laws of science, of Equivalent Exchange, that gain required sacrifice, that something had to be taken from us. But we thought there was nothing more we could lose, we were wrong... "

Smoke was scattered all across the room. "Al... Alphonse, say something." We hear Ed's voice say. "Al, no! Stay with me!" Then we see Ed in pain. "Damn it! This wasn't supposed to... " Ed said while groaning and crying out in pain of what happened to his left leg, which is bleeding out and was taken away from him. "What have I done?!" Ed said to himself while panting, but he stops and see something in the smoke. He started smiling at what he sees. "Mom... Is that you?" But then he sees that this thing wasn't his mother, it wasn't human. His eyes widen at that thing and started screaming.

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