Remember When Shaka Got Beat Up?

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It's later today and we were warming up. I was throwing air punches. Shaka was hitting the punching bag while Elvis held it.
Shaka: "How did you get your folks to let you join too?"
Elvis: "Easy. I told them I either wanted to study martial arts or get a little brother. I had a check in my hand in no time. They even gave me another check if I never said it again."
We all laugh.
Elvis: "So, uh, how's it going with Jet Li Roy over there?"
Y/n: "*punch punch uppercut* It's cool. He pretty much keeps to himself."
Shaka: "Between you and me, I think he's kind of intimidated by me."
Elvis: "I don't know, Shaka. Legend says that he's never been knocked down."
He turns to her.
Elvis: "Isn't that right, Legend?"
She nods. I don't think I've ever heard her talk yet.
We hear a loud punch.
Y/n: "Did you see that?!"
Shaka: "See what?"
Elvis: "Good."
I scratch my head.
Y/n: "You know... maybe you should tone down that cocky nature because now's not the time."
Shandu: "Choon bi!"
We all run and line up.
Shandu: "Now, we are only a couple of days away from the first competition of the season. So, let's spar! Bruce! Okay..our three-time in! Who's gonna spar with him?"
We all look at each other. I'd rather spar with Legend.
Shaka: "I'll take some."
Shandu: "Okay, jeja. Step on in here. Okay. Stay in the circle. Stepping out, contact, or any takedown is a point! So now, let's get it on."
Shaka: "Wait, where are the body pads?"
I slap my forehead.
Bruce: "You don't need pads. You're already soft enough!"
Shandu: "And spar!
Bruce comes at Shaka. He dodged everything but he jumped and rolled on the ground.
Shandu: "Shaka, this is not a jumping contest! We only do tae kwon do! So stay on your feet and stay in the ring. And spar!"
After a couple of kicks, Bruce punches Shaka's face really hard and he falls out the circle. I run over to him.
Shandu: "Point!"
Y/n: "Are you ok?"
Shaka: "I-"
Shandu: "Get up."
He says to both of us.
Shaka: "No. I'm good.
~Time Skip~
It's now my turn to spar and I'm up against Legend.
I get ready.
Shandu: "And spar!"
She runs at me. I dodge her kick and use my hand to stop others. She punches my arm. I get really frustrated so I turn and kick, which hits her in the face. She falls out of the circle.
Shandu: "Point!"
Shaka: "Alright Y/n!"
Elvis: "You might be better than Shaka."
Shaka slowly turns to Elvis.
Elvis: "Bad joke."
Shandu: "Shut up!"
He said looking at the two boys. He looks back at me.
Shandu: "And spar!"
This time I go first. Legend looks frustrated, No mad, no she's angry. She kicks my stomach and I fall. But that wasn't it....she kept hitting and kicking me! I curl into a ball until I hear a voice.
Shaka: "Flop her over like you do to me!"
I grabbed her leg, tripped the other one and started punching and kicking her. It was like I had hidden rage that just came out.
Shaka: "I've never seen her this mad. This can't be good. Help me split them up!"
Shaka and Elvis come and pull me off of Legend. She's bleeding from her lip. I'm bleeding from my side. You can't see the cut cause of my Gi but you can see the blood. Legend gets up and stands beside me, giving me a nasty look while doing so.
Shandu gets up with his cane and walks over to us.
Shandu: "When the opponent is down, you stop! Look what you've done to each other! This is not what I've taught you guys to do! So give me 50
push-ups. NOW!"
We started doing the push-ups. I went as far away from Legend as possible. Shaka walks over to me.
Shaka: I've got to say, you kicking her a*s made you look hot."
Y/n: "Shaka.....Language...!"
I said in between breaths.
Shaka: "What?! I heard it in a movie."
Y/n: "Leave me and my 30 more push-ups and watch Elvis spar."
I said laughing making the push-ups harder.
~Time Skip~
I changed into my spare clothes which was a tank top with open sides with a sports bra underneath, with jean shorts. The only bad thing is, is that you can see all of my bruises and the long gash on my side. We wrapped my whole torso so it would stop bleeding. I think I need stitches. Luckily, Shaka only got the bruised eye.
Jeb: "Uh, Cocoa, Son, it's not what it looks like."
We both walk over to the island.
Cocoa: "UHHHH!"
She comes to us.
Cocoa: "Who did this to you?! My baby! Someone's gonna die!"
She says grabbing Shaka. Moz starts poking at my side.
Y/n: "Ouch! Watch the side!"
Jeb: "Calm down. It's all a part of martial arts. Well, not the gash she has."
Shaka: "Y/n got in a heated fight."
Cocoa: "Well, it shouldn't be. I'm calling the authorities!"
Y/n: "And tell them what? That Shaka and his girlfriend got hurt trying to hurt somebody else?"
Moz: "She has a point-"
Cocoa: "Well, they don't have to go back."
Y/n: "Cool with me."
Shaka: "We got any ice cream?"
We walk towards the island.
Jeb: "Oh, they're going back."
Y/n, Shaka: "Oh, no they're not."
We both sit down.
Jeb: "But you got knocked down."
Shaka: "That's why they're not going back."
Cocoa hands is both ice packs.
Jeb: "Moz, what did I tell you when you got hurt in your first scrimmage?"
Moz: "You said, 'It's not about how many times you fall down, all you have to do is get up one more time.' "
Jeb: "And it wasn't just about football. It was how you have to live your life. And Cocoa, I know you're not a quitter."
Cocoa: "Oh, I'm not quitting. I want them to quit."
Jeb: "McKellans have always been knocked down but we never stayed down."
Shaka: "Well, somebody has to stop this vicious cycle."
I nod. Mr. Jeb starts walking.
Jeb: "What if Harriet Tubman...stopped helping the slaves to freedom because it rained? What if Martin Luther King stopped marching because his feet hurt? Where would we be today?"
Cocoa sighs.
Cocoa: "The man makes sense."
Moz nods in agreement.
Moz: "Guys, you can't just walk away the first time things don't go your way."
Cocoa: "Do you feel like you're done your best? Honestly?"
Shaka shakes his head.
Y/n: "I think I did.....I just...can't control my anger..."
Jeb: "Then go back in there, and when you feel like you've done your best, then you can make a proper decision. Okay?"
Shaka: "Ok."
Shaka and Mr. Jeb hug.
Moz: "Now go change so we can take Y/n to the hospital."

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