Remember When Shaka Got Beat Up?

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Shaka, Elvis, and I were leaving the movies. We were walking through the alleyway like normal.
Shaka: "Vampire Tale was awesome! I've never been to a theater where people actually yelled at the screen."
Elvis: "That's Columbus."
Shaka: "And they sang along with all the songs."
Elvis: "That's Columbus, too."
Shaka: "And all that high-pitched screaming?"
Y/n: "That was me."
I said laughing as he hugged me. He let go then accidentally walked backwards into this kid. He had another guy with a matching jacket behind him.
??: "Hey, watch where you're walking!"
Shaka: "My bad."
??: "And you just scuffed up my shoes!"
Y/n: "Come on, it's not like you can really tell with all those other scuffs."
He looks at Shaka, then me.
??: "What did you say?"
He says stepping towards me.
Elvis: "She said she's sorry and it'll never happen again."
He said stepping in between us.
Elvis: "Let's go guys."
??: "Maybe I'll just take your shoes."
He said looking at my shoes.
Y/n: "That's funny"
I said sarcastically.
Shaka, Y/n: "You and what army?"
More kids come walking out. Elvis hands his drink to one of the girls.
Shaka: "Next time we say, 'What army?' we should probably make sure he doesn't have an actual army."
He says looking at me.
Elvis: "You know, I was just thinking that. You know what else I was thinking?"
Y/n: "What?"
Elvis: "Run!"
Shaka and I run through the kids in front of us.
Y/n: "What did I just get myself into?!"
Shaka: "Idk! But keep running!"
Good thing I'm in shape.
We run into this space and split up. He goes on the platform as I stay on the ground. This guy comes running and slides towards my feet. I do an ariel over him as Shaka side flips off the platform and rolls. We both run into what looks like a dojo. He jumps over benches and run to the mats on the wall, as I keep dodging kids on the ground. Then we both backflip at the same time too. We were both in this circle. Both the girl that had the drink and the guy with the scuffed shoes were across from us. The rest circled around us.
??: "Looks like y'all flipped yourselves into a beat down."
Y/n: "Come on guys..."
Shaka: "Can't we just talk about this?"
??: "I have to tell you...this is gonna hurt."
We all get ready to fight and-
??: "Choon bi!"
All of the other kids line up.
All: "Huh!"
??: "The Last Dragons only fight in competition or to defend themselves!"
Shaka and I look at each other.
??: "He disrespected me."
??: "How?"
??: "He scuffed up my sneakers!"
??: "How can you tell with all those other scuffs?"
He walks to us.
??: "Uh, young you practice tae kwon do?"
Y/n: "No, I know some self defense."
Shaka: "I trained at a dojo in Seattle before my family and I moved here. She's from here though."
??: "It was probably some bougie gym with pilates and a juice bar."
The Last Dragons laugh at his little joke.
Shaka: "It also served smoothies."
I roll my eyes as they laugh again.
??: "Dragons! Run."
They all sigh and scoff.
??: "And you'll run until I get tired."
He walked in front of us as the Last Dragons start running.
??: "What's your names?"
Y/n: "Y/n Greene." (I'm changing it if it wasn't this before)
Shaka: "Shaka McKellan"
??: "Any relation to Jebediah McKellan?"
Shaka: "He's my grandfather!"
??: "I...Know...him...well!
Y/n: "You do-"
He said running into a dummy and falling.
??: "Get that dummy up!"
Y/n: "Which one?"
I say rolling my eyes.
~Time Skip~
The next day, Shaka and I took his parents back to the dojo.
Shandu: "That's our weights section, and this is our meditation room. So, uh, what do you think?"
Cocoa: "I think I need a tetanus shot."
I laugh.
Shaka: "That's not a good sign."
He said looking at me. I stop laughing.
Moz: "Cocoa, you know how hard it is for startups to get going? Shandu, how long you guys been here?"
Shandu: "About 50 years."
Moz: "See? Brand new!"
Jeb: "I can't believe you've managed to keep this place open this long."
Shandu: "Oh, we've closed our doors a few times, but we've always managed to open them again."
Shaka puts his arm over my shoulders.
Jeb: "Shandu and I....started this dojo before your father was born."
Cocoa walks up.
Cocoa: "So you know....karate?"
She says striking a pose.
Jeb: "I excel in all the disciplines."
Shaka looks at me.
Shandu: "Translation, uh, he is a....baddd man."
We see his old picture on the wall. We started walking towards it.
Shaka: "Mm. 'Shujaa'"
Y/n: "What does that mean?"
Shandu: "That means 'warrior' in Swahili."
Cocoa: "Oh, Reverend Jeb, you were fineeeee!"
He looks at Coaci and adjusts his sweater. Moz covered Cocoa's eyes. I laugh as she moves his hand.
Moz: "Why did you quit?"
Jeb: "I could reach more people with the word than my fist."
Shaka: "Oh, well, I wanna join this dojo. I could pick up where I left off in Seattle. Kicking butt and taking names."
Y/n: "Shaka."
Shaka: "Okay, I didn't take many names."
Jeb: "So you think you've got skills, huh?"
Moz: "Look, I don't mean to brag but Shaka was undefeated in the Peewee division."
Shandu: "Well, they're welcome to join us."
Cocoa: "Oh, no offense but how do we know you're qualified to train our kids."
Moz: "Uh, I think Cocoa is worried that you're a little too old to be-"
He hits Mr. McKellan's pressure point in his shoulder, causing him to fall. She leans up.
Moz: "Okayyy...He's qualified..."
Cocoa sighs.
Cocoa: "I'm still not sure."
Shandu: "Well, I'll tell you what. Let them come out with us and then decide."
Shaka: "Can we please? Mom? Dad?"
Cocoa: "Okay, fine. You can work out today."
Y/n: "Yes!"
Shaka walks over, takes his jacket off, and throws it on the ground.
Shandu: "Uh, young man, pick up that jacket."
He picks it up.
Y/n: "You should see his room."
Shandu: "Uh, the Last Dragons believe in discipline. And if you don't, young man, we'll make you a believer. Fifty push-ups."
She gets down with a sigh.
Cocoa: "You just made me a believer too! Where do we sign them up?"
Shandu point to the signup sheet.
~Time Skip~

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