Remember The Dance Battle?

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⚠️TW⚠️ (abuse)
Mom and I finish our run.
Cocoa: "And stop."
I'm trying to catch my breath.
Shaka: "I still don't understand why we're doing this."
Cocoa: "To build your stamina...and to learn some follow-through."
She says as I sit down.
Shaka: "But I don't want to compete against Y/n."
Cocoa: "Sweetie, you're not competing against Y/n, okay? You're competing for a spot. Y/n is doing the same thing."
Shaka: "How do you know?"
She grabs her phone and pulls up a video.
Candy: "And what are we gonna do to win this position?"
Y/n: "I'm stepping all over this competition."
She seemed like she didn't wanna be there.
Candy: "5,6,7,8, hit! Step clap!"
Y/n,Candy: "Hoouh!"
Candy: "That's right."
Shaka: "She looks like she didn't wanna do this."
Cocoa: "But she's gonna. So, you ready to do this?"
Shaka: "Fine. Let's do this."
They have been out there practicing for two hours straight. By now I have lifted my window up to hear them. Moz came outside.
Cocoa: "That was perfect."
It was pretty good. I don't care if I don't get the spot because I didn't want to go against him in the first place. I cross my arms and lean on the windowsill.
Cocoa: "You are ready, okay? Let's hit the sack."
Shaka: "No. I won't sleep until Y/n goes down."
Moz: "I thought Y/n was your friend."
Shaka: "Friends are a luxury we cannot afford."
Moz: "Where did you hear that?"
Shaka: "Mom."
I laugh a little as she snaps.
Cocoa: "Set your alarm for 6:00 a.m."
Shaka: "What?"
Cocoa: "Well, Y/n will be up at five."
I'll be what?!
Shaka: "Then I'll be up at 4:59."
Cocoa: "That is the eye of the tiger."
They high five and he goes inside. I watch as his parents talk.
Mom: "What are you doing?"
I turn around super fast.
Y/n: "Watching him practice."
She walks over and shuts my window.
Mom: "If I catch you looking at them again, You're in trouble."
She starts walking out.
Y/n: "Why? Why have you always been so tough on me?! I didn't even do anything wrong!"
She looks at me and walks near me.
Mom: "Because, you're like your dad. Stubborn, never want to be around me-"
Y/n: "Forcing me isn't gonna help!"
She slaps me.
Mom: "I don't know who you're yelling at!"
She walks out and leaves. She has gotten mad before, but never had she hit me.
~The Tryouts~
I look at Y/n and notice she has a bruise on the side of her face. When it's our turn to go, I stand next to her.
Shaka: "Are you ok?"
Y/n: "Yeah.....let's just get this over with."

M'Dear talked to the guard, not nicely, but they got to stay.
Samantha: "All right, all right. I think you'll all agree when I say that there are some great steppers up here."
Everyone in the auditorium claps for us.
Samantha: "We had some tough decisions to make, but...we did it. The newest member to Salt and Steppers is......Y/n L/n!"
I can hear my mom scream super loud as I get my outfit. Shaka claps for me which makes me smile. I do feel bad for him though. I see Samantha grab another outfit.
Samantha: "And.....Shaka McKellan!"
I clap for him too. I turn and look at my mom. She doesn't look too happy.
Samantha: "They were too good to pick just one."
She hugs us both. I hug Shaka then walk to my mom.
Y/n: "We made the team!"
Mom: "Mhm! We'll talk when we get home."
Moz: "Let's go take some pictures so we remember this moment."
Shaka: "Why don't we do that later?"
Moz: "When?"
Shaka: "When you change clothes."
Shaka and I started walking towards the team. He grabs my arm.
Shaka: "Are you sure you're ok?"
Y/n: "Ye- yeah..."
Shaka: "But you've got a bruise on your face."
Y/n: "I'm fine, f- for real."
Shaka: "Since when do you stutter?"
Y/n: "I always have."
Shaka: "Um, you're being weird. Wanna stay over tonight?"
Y/n: "YES! Well, actually, I can't. My mom wants to talk to me when I get home...sorry..."
I walk to my mom as we start walking out the school.

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