68. Forever After

Start from the beginning

"George, I can't believe we made it to our wedding day" you started earning a few laughs
"Between school, a war and every silly complication that comes with being in a relationship it seemed that we would never walk an easy path. But that's why you're such a blessing in my life. When everything was hard, when loved ones were lost....there you were. You have always been my rock and I am so lucky to have found a partner in you.
I think about all the summers we spent at the burrow getting into trouble with Fred I think even then I knew that you were going to be my person" you paused and took a deep breath

"I want to give every piece of me to you and be the person you are for me, for you. I promise to stay by your side no matter what life throws at us, I promise to always give my honest opinion about your new inventions for work and I promise to always support you after a long day" you smiled and finished

"You're my best friend and I promise to never let you go" you smiled and handed the paper back to Ginny. 

Fred gave George his and he looked a bit nervous and he smoothed out the creases

"Samantha, from day one it's been you. Even when I was an awkward 12 year old it was you, I may have shown it in a funny way...sorry about pushing you in the pond about 100 times" he smiled at you

"but I knew deep in my heart I was always waiting for my wife" you bit the inside of your cheek trying not to cry

"Through all the good and the bad years we had together I wouldn't trade it for anything because each day, each moment lead me to this moment with you. I promise to be devoted to you for the rest of our lives, to lift you up when the world just seems to heavy and to be the best husband and partner I can be. I love you more than I can put into words but I will try to express it every day" George handed the paper back to Fred and smiled at you.

Molly was crying and even Remus had shed a few tears. The minister smiled and finished the ceremony

"I now pronounce you husband and wife" he paused and smiled "you may kiss your bride" George grabbed you and pulled you in for a kiss holding you as close as possible and you did the same wrapping your arms around his neck.

All of the guests cheered and when you pulled apart you faced them you were unable to stop smiling.

The music started and you and George headed back up the aisle hand in hand and walked into the kitchen.

You could hear everyone outside chatting and walking around but George just held you in his arms

"I love you" you whispered
"I love you too" he kissed your head and finally let go
"We're married" you giggled

"We are" George said holding up his hand showing off his new ring. Fred, Ginny Hermione Harry and Ron busted into the kitchen and cheered for the happy couple. You hugged each and every one of them smiling once again

"Thank you guys" you said finally able to take a breath.

"Mum wanted us to tell you the photographer is ready" Ron said and you all headed outside for photos while the guest had drinks in the garden before dinner.

You took so many photos you lost count so many with family and then finally some alone with George down by the pond and under your tree.

It was time for the reception and you and George headed into the tent and all the guest cheered and clapped as you made your way inside.

You shared a dance with George and then with Sirius Arthur cutting in at the last minute making you laugh and then George danced with Molly.

You couldn't help but be in awe of the whole night.

The tent was beautifully decorated with flowers and lights. And the love from friends and family made you feel so whole. Nothing could ruin tonight.

You and George were finally sitting down eating your dinner when he stood up clinking his glass to get everyone's attention.

"Excuse me" he said and the chatter died down. You stood next to George smiling at everyone

"We just wanted to thank each and every one of you for being here tonight, we love you all and we know there is no way we would be standing here if it wasn't for everyone in this room tonight" a few people clapped and you joined in

"And with that" George grinned down at you "we'd like to share some news"

People started murmuring and Molly looked you in the eyes a surprised look on her face

"Samantha and I will be expecting our first child in may" George said the tent erupting with cheers and congratulations.

You smiled and grabbed George arm as he leaned down to kiss you. Molly came running up tears streaming down her face babbling incoherently as she grabbed the two of you for hugs and kisses.

Sirius was next and he held you tightly sniffling a bit

"You're going to make the most wonderful" his voice cracked and you could see his eyes fill with tears

"mother, I am so proud of you"
You were unable to keep your emotions under control and a few tears spilled over

"But you" he turned to George
"we need to have a little chat later" Sirius said all the color draining from George's face making Sirius chuckle.

For the next hour or so your friends and guest came to congratulate you and George and talk about the baby.

You stole a glance at your husband and he was beaming. You were....content for the first time in years. Your heart was at peace.

Thank you so much to everyone who's stayed with my story until the end! I love you all, you mean the world to me.

Last Summer // George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now