Girls' Night Away

Start from the beginning

"I think none of us will ever truly know what goes on between them."

"To me this sounds like a game." I told him. "The whole thing just seems so rogue and I think that's what annoys me about the whole situation."

"It's viscous."

"There's something dark there because it's Miles." I also added. "It's not just some random guy, it's like she's purposefully gone to him."

"Well we're mean to be going on this girls weekend thing." Emily had organised for us all to stay at The Shard. "I don't know whether to mention it and maybe try and get her act together."

"I like Maeva, I really do but I can also see that she's got something great here. These things can be so damaging in the future and she's heading down that path." I said. 

"It's definitely heading that way."


Before I went to meet the girls I had to quickly run a few errands so I was a bit late compared to all the other girls, but I packed a few bottles of champagne hoping that would sweeten them all up. Walking out of the lift into the stunning suite Emily had booked for us I noticed her, Inga and Liv on the sofas. 

"Hi lovelies." I made my presence known. 

"Willow!" Emily greeted me, making room on the sofa next to her. "Come site down."

"Thank you, how is everyone?"

"Really good."

"What are you all gossiping about?" I asked. 

"I was just about to say, I'm feeling a bit awkward around Paris at the moment." Inga commented. "I didn't realise her and Angus  were a bit more serious than I thought. He slid into my DM's and asked me to go for a drink the other day."

"I'm so happy I invited you all now."

"So what should I tell Paris?"

"Yes, you've got to say something." Emily confirmed, but just as she said that a blonde appeared from behind her.


"Come on in, welcome."

"Thank you for inviting me."

"No I um... sorry this is Nicole, Nicole this is Inga, Liv and Willow. You did say you wanted to meet the girls so I thought what better way than to just throw you in at the deep end, get the exes over with."

"Get it over with, we're nice, you've got nothing to worry about." Liv told her. "It's nice to finally meet you though, Tristan's told me a lot about you. All good."


"Yeah I'm Willow," I introduced myself. "Please don't worry about me, I just want him to be happy and whether that's with you or someone else I really couldn't care less."

"Good." Emily tried to break the awkward tension. "I'm sure we're all going to have a great time."

We all warmed up to each other eventually and before we knew it, we'd all changed into our nightwear and were dancing on the tables, drinking from the bottles and blaring music at full blast. I was impressed with her though, she managed to contain the energy and joined in with us. 

"What a way to welcome you into the group." I told her once we'd all settled down. 

"Do you think we're all absolute nut jobs." Liv asked. 

"No, these are my people. These are my species, I love it."

"We're not the AA. Hi my name's Emily, I date Harvey." Liv mimicked. "They're out again tonight aren't they."

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