She Finally Beat Him! [9]

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DIXIES POV; I broke from the hug and smiled reassuringly at noah, to let him know I was alright, thank you for caring I said with a slight smile not a lot of people do I said as I looked down, trying not to cry again, he picked my head up with his thumb on my chin and smiled at me, I'll always care about you he said simply. I smiled back at him and we drove to school. When we got to school, the twins, Blake and Bryce were waiting for us at the door. We got out of the car and walked up to them. Hey guys! I said as I hugged Blake and the others, heyyy! I didnt even get a hug yet! noah said, sounding jealous. I turned around and gave him a big hug and he hugged back, there you go! I said smiling, the others laughed. Come on, or well be late for class Bryce said. We all started to walk in the same direction to our lockers. The 3 boys walked in front, having their own conversation, as me and the twins followed behind. So how was your weekend dix? Madi asked it was great, me and noah had a little get away from my parents I said smiling and rolling my eyes at the end. Well, thats good Addi said, what did ye do? Blake turned around and asked with a smirk. Nothing like that dumbass noah said hitting his shoulder against Blakes, who just rolled his eyes and said yeah right noah sighed, rolled his eyes and just brushed it off whatever dude Bryce nudged Blakes shoulder and gave him a look, then Blake said I'm messing dude, I know you guys are only friends he said putting his hand on Noah's back as we approached our lockers.

NOAHS POV; it really pisses me off when our best friends suggest that theres something going on between me and dix, just because opposite genders are best friends, doesnt mean we're dating. Anyway, as we got to our lockers, the cool kids were leaning up against them, or should I say the losers, they think they're soooo cool, they go drinking most nights and smoke and vape and do all this dumb shit, they also have shit grades too, yet they still think they own the place. move I simply, yet bluntly said, and they moved straight away. Theyre 100% afraid of me, dix, the twins, Blake and Bryce, it's funny to see them get all nervous when were around. The other kids say it's because were actually the popular ones, and they wish they were us, but I think it's just because they're chicken shits and cowards, anyway, once they moved, we opened our lockers and got our stuff. The girls, of course, had all they're stuff ready to go in like 30 seconds, whereas me and the boys took like 5 minutes and struggled to find everything, hey dix, have you seen my Chem folder? I asked, still searching in my locker, she walked closer and pulled it out from in between my Spanish and Math ones. You mean this? she said with a smirk on her face. that's the one! Thank you I said smiling, she playfully rolled her eyes and closed my locker after me, and we headed to class see you guys later the twins said at the exact same time. Can you guys stop doing that? Bryce requested. Doing what? they said at the same time again, knowing it drove him up the walls, they smiled and walked away. See you guys later me and dix said at the same time and burst out laughing. We said bye to the boys and the twins and we all went separate ways apart from me and dix.

DIXIES POV; me and noah have every class except Spanish together, because I do French, and we sit beside each other in every class too. We made our way to Chemistry and took our seats. Why is this teacher always so fucking late? the cool kids at the back of the class complained, noah looked back at them and shot them a look, they immediately shut up, he turned around and chuckled why are they scared of me? he said grinning you just have that effect on people... I said trying to hold in my smirk. He turned his back to me slightly and put on a frown. It's funny how I can automatically tell when noah is upset and when hes pretending, yet the twins or the boys can't tell the difference. Once the teacher came in to the room, everyone went silent. I have youre tests corrected! she said joyfully, and everyone groaned. Me and noah just gave each other a look and then a smile.

NOAHS POV; the teacher started calling everyone to the top of the room, handing the tests back. Dixie Damelio dixie looked at me nervously and got up off her seat, to go to the top of the room. I overheard the teacher telling her her grade you got 19% dixie but I acted like I heard nothing. She started walking back to her seat, she sat down and turned to me, I got 90% she whispers shouted, excitedly. that's am-- the teacher cut me off by saying noah beck I got up from my seat and walked up to the teacher can you say it quietly, I dont want anyone to hear... I whispered yeah of course, you got 91% she said even quieter. I was so happy when she said my grade. I went back to my seat and sat beside dixie again. So, what did you get? she asked inquisitively i got 89% I said happily, so she didnt realise I was lying to her. Omg! I finally beat you!!! she giggled loudly, quiet please! the teacher said loudly but nicely, then she went back to calling out the names. She giggled at me quietly and a few minutes later the teacher continued with class. When class was over, we met up with the others, by our lockers, and headed to our next class. So how did you guys do in your history tests? Blake asked as we were walking down the hallway to maths, I got 90%!! dixie said excitedly, what about you noah? Addison asked I got 89% I said sounding as genuine as possible woah! You both did really well, for a test you both totally forgot about Madi said with a giggle. I know right?! dixie said, and I beat noah!! she jokingly continued.



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