He got 91, She got 90... [10]

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DIXIES POV; We got to our next class and took our seats, me beside noah, in the back row, Addi and Bryce next to us and Madi and Blake in front of us. [each of the tables sit 2 people] we were about 5 minutes early for class so we chatted until the teacher came in. Everyone quiet, please Mr. Keating said loudly but politely, he was both mine and Noah's favourite teacher, and I'm pretty sure he liked us as well. He put his stuff down on his desk and opened his book, please can everyone do questions one to twelve on pages 213,214 and 215 please he said and everyone opened their books to the pages requested, I opened my book before noah and he was trying to look at my book because he had already forgotten the page numbers, I laughed and moved my hand so he could see the number in the left-hand corner of the book. He found the page, smiled at me and mouthed thank you and smiled. Everyone started to do the questions, me and noah finished first and started talking. Are you done? he whispered to me, I looked at the teacher to make sure he didnt hear us and wasnt looking at us, I looked back at noah and nodded. What do you want to do this weekend? he asked noah, its only Monday yeah, I know but I'm bored and I want to do something this weekend he said smiling I dont know, maybe we could go for a skate some evening and lay under the stars and just relax for a while.... I suggested, but thats only one evening... how about we do that tonight? Seriously? I said hopefully, I loved when me and noah went for walks because we would sometimes talk about the most random things and sometimes theres just silence, but good silence. Yeah sure, and then we can talk about the weekend I said as the teacher said shhh, no talking please and I laid my head on his shoulder. 

DIXIES POV; We got to our next class and took our seats, me beside noah, in the back row, Addi and Bryce next to us and Madi and Blake in front of us. [each of the tables sit 2 people] we were about 5 minutes early for class so we chatted until the teacher came in. Everyone quiet, please Mr. Keating said loudly but politely, he was both mine and Noah's favourite teacher, and I'm pretty sure he liked us as well. He put his stuff down on his desk and opened his book, please can everyone do questions one to twelve on pages 213,214 and 215 please he said and everyone opened their books to the pages requested, I opened my book before noah and he was trying to look at my book because he had already forgotten the page numbers, I laughed and moved my hand so he could see the number in the left-hand corner of the book. He found the page, smiled at me and mouthed thank you and smiled. Everyone started to do the questions, me and noah finished first and started talking. Are you done? he whispered to me, I looked at the teacher to make sure he didnt hear us and wasnt looking at us, I looked back at noah and nodded. What do you want to do this weekend? he asked noah, its only Monday yeah, I know but I'm bored and I want to do something this weekend he said smiling I dont know, maybe we could go for a skate some evening and lay under the stars and just relax for a while.... I suggested, but thats only one evening... how about we do that tonight? Seriously? I said hopefully, I loved when me and noah went for walks because we would sometimes talk about the most random things and sometimes theres just silence, but good silence. Yeah sure, and then we can talk about the weekend I said as the teacher said shhh, no talking please and I laid my head on his shoulder. 10 minutes later the bell rang and class was over, finish them questions for homework please! 

NOAHS POV; I looked at dixie and smiled, because we had them done already. We left the classroom with the others and went to our lockers. We finished off the rest of the days classes and then the final bell rang. Bye guys I said to the twins and Blake and Bryce bye they all said in unison and we left, I drove dixie back to my house, we left our bags at the door, and went to the kitchen where my mom and dad were. How did your guys tests go? my mom asked, as if she was dying to know, I got 90% Mrs Beck! dixie said excitedly, that's amazing dixie! What did you get noah? I got 89% I said as genuine as I could, show me! my mom said as if she didnt believe me, I handed her the test and said I got 89%, look! noah, this says you got ninety on-- I cut her off by saying 89%!! I know! I said sounding over enthusiastic. She made a confused face at me and I gave her a look, and then something must have clicked inside her head because then she said oh yeah, 89%, sorry I must have been reading it wrong she gave a little chuckle and so did I, I brought dixie up to my room and we sat on my bed as normal, I felt bad about lying to her but I just wanted her to feel good. We both flopped on the bed and laughed, I stayed lying down and she sat up pretty much straight away. She pulled me upright what did you actually get in your test? she said seriously, I got 89% I said smiling as best I could, no you didnt... tell me what you actually got... 89%! I told you already dix!? I said as I playfully pushed her shoulder backwards, brushing it off. noah... dont lie to me she said sounding hurt, what do you mean I said, you know I hate being lied to... she said trying to hide her deep sigh, fine... I got 91% I said, she looked down and shook her head why would you lie to me... it's only a 2% difference... dixie, it's not like that, I didnt lie to you in a bad way then why did you lie? Because I always beat you in tests, and you always get upset about it, I just wanted you to feel good for once I said looking down, because I knew lying to her was the worst thing I could have done



1142 words

Bruhhhhh why has it been so long and now I suddenly decided to post at 1 in the morning😂😂 here you go ig

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