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Although the ferry boat was fairly level as it crossed the Hudson, the world was topsy-turvy for Derek. Several shots of scotch and at least a six pack of beer would do that. He laughed, the sound erupting out of him was surprising. The deck tilted. Or he tilted, he wasn't sure which.

"Woah now..." Mark said, gripping his waist to stabilize him.

"Maarrrk," Derek slurred. He grinned sloppily at his friend, "M'gettin' married." He blinked, "tomorrow!" he said with a heavy nod.

"And you've had too much to drink..."

"Haha," Derek said. He wobbled as Mark led him to the rail to stare out at the churning water below. The stars wink-winked at him as he watched them in the darkness. The waters reflected the lights of the New York skyline.

Was this for real? Was he dreaming? This was... The Life. He finished med school, he finished his residency, he was a doctor. A neurosurgeon. He met a girl, dated, loved her and proposed. Now he was complete. How had he gotten from there to here?. "I'm gettin' married... Ferever," he mumbled as the reality sunk in.

"Yeah, forever. Sickness and health, richer or poorer and all that crap." Mark muttered bitterly.

"Whassrong with ferever?" Derek asked.

"I couldn't do it man, one girl for the rest of my life?" he shook his head. "I mean... I'd get bored or something..."

"Mm." Derek agreed. He couldn't see Mark settling down anytime soon, or later either. But he... He was ready. Addison was... "She's perfect. Addididson's perrfect fer me. She's alovamalife, y'know."

"Yeah, okay." Mark acquiesced.

Derek heard his tone and frowned "Wha? You don' believe in ferever?"

Mark laughed and shook his head. "I just... don't believe in people."

Derek swallowed and swayed on the deck. He reached for the rail and pulled himself closer to his best friend. He understood. Mark didn't come from an intact family. His parents showed no interest in him or in staying together. Derek's family had become Mark's, but still he was damaged. "I beliebe in you... Yer my bess' fren. You... n'addididson. You guys are da best. My best fr-friends. You are."

"Okay man." Mark smiled and patted him on the back.

For awhile he was silent in drunken contemplation. Tomorrow he would be married. They would move into the Brownstone. After he finished his Neuro fellowship at New York Pres, he might consider private practice. There was good money in it. And he'd just turned twenty-eight. Life was perfect. Life was great!

"Iss great! 'M gettin married!" he shouted. He never felt so good before. It was amazing!

"You ever wonder..." Mark started but rubbed his goatee thoughtfully. "Nevermind."

"Wha? You kin tellme. Yermabessfren."

"What if you loved someone, but couldn't have them. You think there's someone else out there?"

Derek grinned and patted his friend on the back. "There's somebodody for everbody Mark. E'an you."

"Yeah." Mark said softly.

Derek suddenly remembered something. He patted his pockets frantically. A drunken macarena dance. Where were they? "Mark!" he gasped as panic erupted in him. "Da rings... Where's where... I wha..." he gaped.

"Relax man, I got them right here." Mark dug in his pocket and pulled out the rings, showing them in the palm of his large hand.

"Oh, good." Derek said softly. "I'm gettin' married."





"Yeah... I know... Forever."

And the two of them stood on the deck of the ferry boat watching the skyline fade.

Ferryboats were about forever.

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