Blindfolds, Swings, and Stars

Start from the beginning

After about fifteen minutes of driving, the car slows down to a stop.

"Can I take off my blindfold now?" I whine.

"You're so pushy," Shawn laughs.

"Sorry," I blush. "You know how much I dislike not knowing things."

"I know, sorry. But this is going to be worth it!" he explains. "But no, you can't take off your blindfold. I have to go set everything up."

"Okay," I sigh.

"It'll be quick," Shawn vows before I hear him leave the car and shut the door behind him.

After a few minutes I start to grow reckless. I start to pull down my blindfold but then I see a shadow in front of me, causing me to shriek.

"You peaked!" Shawn laughs while opening the door for me.

"Psh, no. I just had an itch," I fib.

"Liar," he chuckles. "Okay you can take off the blindfold and come outside now."

"FINALLY!" I cheer while ripping the blindfold free from my face and looking out to see where we're at. Shawn caught me trying to take off the blindfold before I could actually see everything.

I look around and see that we're at an empty park. There are a bunch of swings, a slide, and a bunch of other things. Also there's a picnic blanket on top of the green, fresh grass.

Shawn cheekily grins at me and then grabs my hand. "Let's go."

We walk over to the picnic blanket and I see a basket full of food sitting there.

"Oh my gosh," I giggle happily. "You just put my two favorite things together- you and food!"

"I'm just that great," he chuckles.

"Obviously," I nod. "Best boyfriend ever. You will literally sit with me for hours and watch Pretty Little Liars. If that's not relationship goals, I don't know what is."

"Neither do I," Shawn agrees. "So, do you want to see what I packed for us to eat?"


"Okay," Shawn laughs. "Okay so I brought Taco Bell tacos, Doritos, and pudding cups."

"How fancy," I joke. "Just kidding, but I love it!"

"Well I know how you are," he smirks. "You're not really a fancy girl. Yeah, every once in a while you like doing something fancy, but for the most part you just like going with the flow."

"You know me so well!" I acknowledge while giving Shawn a big hug.

We start to eat and just talk about life and everything that's been going on.

"So.. Do you think we'll get signed to another record label?" I bring up.

"I hope so," Shawn frowns. "As much as I disliked Charles and Angela, I did love the whole process of making music and recording it."

"Me too," I agree. "If we do get signed, I hope we get signed to a record company with nice people."

"And to people that don't make us break up," he adds, chuckling slightly."

After a while of just eating in quietness, I turn over to Shawn. "Can you promise me something?"

"What is it?" he questions me.

"That you'll never let anything come between us, that we'll always be together. I know it might sound ridiculous since we're both only seventeen, but I like you a lot. More then I ever planned to. And what we have is special- I don't ever want to loose what we have."

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