She giggles and places her hand on my thigh tracing small shapes as she drives, making me feel content and safe.

"You know scar called me last night once you had fell asleep. She is not happy that you wont let her pay you more."

"I know but u settled for letting her pay 20 a day I didn't even want her to pay me. I want rose to have a good education while still having fun and I also get to spend time with her while making a start to my new fashion business."

"Your are adorable, you know that right?"

"Shush lizzie. But it also means I can come see you on set more" I say causing her smile to increase in size.

"That is going to be amazing!" She pulls up into my parking space and gets out of the car but not before she tells me not to move.

I sit there confused as I watch her walk around the car.

Lizzie's POV-

I quickly walk around the car and open Stephanie's door for her before helping her out of the car.

"Here you go my love." I say making her laugh.

"Your so cheesy."

"But you love it."

"That I do." She says as she wraps her arms around my neck and giving me a kiss.

She let go of me before taking my hand and leading me into the school.

"Baby, slow down." I say giggling at her, ignore me she just speeds up forcing me to speed up to keep up with her.

Soon enough we were in a full sprint to her classroom.

Once we arrive we were both in laughing fits.

"Stephanie?" I hear from the door, causing us to calm down and steph to turn and face the door.

"Oh sandra! How are you?"

"I'm good, how are you? And its nice to see you again miss Olsen." She says while sending a smile my way.

"You too." I say with a smile.

" I'm great, thank you. Do you need something?" Stephanie asks while gesturing for me to sit on her desk chair.

Doing as she is telling me I quickly sit on her chair and she sits down on my lap and leans into my side.

"I was just coming to see if you were okay, and i heard you called a meeting."

Stephanie froze for a second before nodding.

"Yeah, I'm handing in my notice and leaveing. Working here is not good for my mental health so I'm going back to fashion designing and I'll be tutoring my neice."

It isnt the first time I've heard her call rose her neice, but everytime she says it, it makes me smile.

She sees my family as her own enough to tell people that their her family and not just her soulmates.

"Well when you leave I'll miss you, and I'm so sorry for the others." Sandra says with a small smile.

"Thank you sandra"

"Well I have to get back to my class to finish getting ready before the kids come."

We give her a smile as she walks out but she stops and turns around.

"Oh and if your going to fun through the halls you might want to be a little more quite you dont want to give the bitches more reasons to bitch." And with that she left causing stephanie to look up at me and laugh.

soul mates ♡Elizabeth Olsen♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora