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Rimbor: June 20: 00:16 UTC

In a courtroom on Rimbor, The trial of the accused Leaguers, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Hawkwoman, Martian Manhunter, and Green Lantern (John Stewart), was coming to it's end. The accused Leaguers stood together in handcuffs.

"Let the defendants rise. You have been accused of willfully attacking the planet Rimbor. Is there nothing more the defense would like to, ahem, offer the tribunal before we reach a verdict?" He asked.

"Nothing more, Tribune. I believe we have presented enough evidence to fully exonerate my clients." Icon said confidently, hoping that it would work.

The tribune sighed in disappointment. "Then you leave us no choice. The tribunal of the High Court of the polygloture of Rimbor finds the defendants guilty on all counts." He declared. "Take them away!" He ordered.

The audience cheered at the verdict. "Justice at last!" A female alien said.

The Leaguers exchanged looks as the audience cheered.

"Court is adjourned." The tribune declared, banging his gavel.

The audience filed out as the accused Leaguers were lowered down into the floor. Hawkman looked worried, but his wife gave him a mysterious smile as the podium lowered down.

Hawkman flew down to join Icon, his head hanging in sadness.

As the audience filed out, M'gann and Phoenix flew in with Connor and Adam Strange.

"Icon, Hawkman, we've brought new evidence, The Light and the Reach on holographic record admitting they framed the League. It should easily clear them of all charges." M'gann said excitedly as they landed near them.

"I'm sorry. You're too late." Icon said sadly as he and Hawkman looked down sadly, while the others, except Phoenix looked shocked.

"I knew that this might happen. But, what can we do about it?" Phoenix thought to himself.

New York City: June 20: 06:16 EDT

At the United Nations, Black Beetle and Scientist were preparing to leave Earth, which they planned to destroy.

"Time to leave this meat-infested world." Black told Scientist.

Scientist noticed something. "Warrior, look! The infestation is aboard ship." She warned, seeing the Team on the screens. They had invaded the ship, and were taking out the Reach soldiers.

Black glared at the screen. "Enough. The Ambassador tied my hands. But the Ambassador is gone. Now all the hero meat will die." He said, turning his hand into a scythe blade.

"I would not be so sure." Kaldur said from behind them. Black and Scientist turned around and saw Kaldur, Nick, Jaime and B'arzz.

Jaime fired two staples at Scientist, pinning her against the wall. He and B'arzz then starting taking out the soldiers, leaving Nick and Kaldur to face off against Black.

"You are alone." Nick said, as he and Kaldur walked forward, both of them with their swords ready. Kaldur was not affected by the flame from Nick's sword, because of how Nick and Phoenix were not together.

"I am sufficient against the both of you. Especially, you, Phoenix." Black growled.

"We shall see about that." Nick said as he twirled his sword as he got into a fighting stance.

Nick and Kaldur then charged at him, and he charged at them in return. Nick and Kaldur's swords clashed with Black's as they started fighting. Kaldur turned one of his water bearers into a mace, which he used to hit Black in his leg, at the same time that Nick used his sword to strike Black in his chest. Black countered by firing his plasma cannon at them both, which made them grunt as they hit the wall, and then the floor.

Red Wizard: Book 2 (A Zatanna Zatara/OC Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now